Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 22 '13 dut>eng schorsende voorwaarde suspensive condition pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '13 dut>eng sappig en zuiver juicy and pure with a fruity smell pro closed no
4 Apr 21 '13 dut>eng HJEG European Court of Justice pro closed ok
NP Apr 12 '13 dut>eng uitzakken transfer pro closed no
2 Apr 5 '13 dut>eng atheneum pre-university school pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '13 dut>eng PL afkorting Personal Loan pro open no
- Mar 25 '13 dut>eng levering van aandelen transfer of shares pro closed no
NP Mar 21 '13 dut>eng 00 or ,= behind the comma both ok but with a full stop pro closed no
- Mar 17 '13 dut>eng lijdt/leidt therefore the decision suffers from voidness easy closed ok
- Mar 16 '13 dut>eng Suppletief plan supplementary plan pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '13 dut>eng Onder schriftelijk in writing includes etc. pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '13 dut>eng sterk maken to warrant performance by another pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '13 dut>eng bezwaring charge or encumbrance pro closed no
4 Feb 7 '13 dut>eng gelijkstelling / gelijkstellen met to equate with/put on a par with pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '13 dut>eng dagafschrift bank statement easy closed ok
4 Jan 16 '13 dut>eng negentienhondred nineteen hundred easy closed ok
- Jan 9 '13 dut>eng Daar mag u ons op afrekenen you can count on us for this pro closed ok
4 Dec 30 '12 dut>eng gijzelen to commit for failure to comply with a judicial order pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '12 dut>eng B&W mayor and aldermen easy closed no
4 Dec 20 '12 dut>eng B&W mayor and aldermen easy closed no
- Dec 17 '12 dut>eng realisatiekracht decisiveness, vigour, ability to take action, dynamism easy closed ok
4 Dec 15 '12 dut>eng Ladingtonkilometers cargo tonne-kilometre pro closed ok
4 Dec 14 '12 dut>eng rechtsgeldige kwijting geven legally valid receipt and discharge from liability easy closed ok
- Dec 12 '12 dut>eng VOOR AKTE HOUDENDE WIJZIGING VAN EIS IN CONVENTIE deed containing amendment of claimant's claim pro closed no
- Dec 7 '12 dut>eng zaken property easy closed no
- Dec 5 '12 dut>eng afsluitingsmoment time for closure easy closed ok
- Nov 27 '12 dut>eng Aangenaam welcome pro closed no
NP Nov 9 '12 dut>eng Laedens injuring party pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '12 dut>eng uitleveren (in this context) to transfer pro closed no
- Nov 8 '12 dut>eng lichten to exercise pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '12 dut>eng Vervreemdingsbeperkingen restrictions on alienation/alienation restrictions pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '12 dut>eng deining swell easy closed no
- Aug 31 '12 dut>eng ontzorgen making life easier pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '12 dut>eng contactmoment opportunity for contact/ opportunity for interaction pro closed no
3 Aug 8 '12 dut>eng behoudens voor zover het de echtscheiding betreft except in so far as it concerns the divorce easy closed ok
- Jul 12 '12 dut>eng onder welke titel ook for whatever reason or on whatever ground pro just_closed no
- Jun 1 '12 dut>eng Derde Kamer Tax Division pro just_closed no
- May 16 '12 dut>eng Last tot toevoeging an order to assign counsel pro closed ok
4 May 4 '12 dut>eng gemm. average/approximate pro closed no
NP May 2 '12 dut>eng Taakbeleid policy task (programme) pro closed ok
4 May 2 '12 dut>eng kille zakelijkheid hard-nosed business approach pro closed ok
- May 1 '12 dut>eng Transportdatum date of execution/execution date pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '12 dut>eng Troostbrief consolation letter / letter of condolence pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '12 dut>eng mandaat mandate pro closed no
4 Apr 16 '12 dut>eng schakelklas transitional/bridging class pro closed ok
4 Apr 12 '12 dut>eng delictstatuut applicable law on culpability pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '12 dut>eng ophanging coordination/connection/communication pro closed no
4 Feb 25 '12 dut>eng Uitwerkingsgraad elaboration pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '12 dut>eng bedrijfswetenschappen + Bestuurs-&Organisatiewetenschap business studies + public administration & management science pro just_closed no
- Feb 20 '12 dut>eng behoorlijk afgevaardigde competent representative official pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered