Translation glossary: General

Showing entries 1-16 of 16
a big-boned girlcorpulente 
English to French
étenduextensive / comprehensive 
French to English
German to English
Couleur d'un rouge vif.bright red color 
French to English
die ungefähre Schätzungl'évaluation approximative 
German to French
Female DogHündin 
English to German
Ishkashim, Vakhan, SheibanidIschkaschiden, Wachanzen, Schaibaniden 
English to German
mais c'est ce que tu me fais comprendreBut this is what you are trying to tell me... 
French to English
Nehrungsfortspit fort 
German to English
Nierengurt/NierenschutzLa ceinture du motard 
German to French
not this time!pas cette fois-ci 
English to French
pérennitélong-term survival, perenniality, continuance 
French to English
storage boxboîte de rangement 
English to French
ÜbersetzungshilfeAide à la traduction 
German to French
Übersetzungskostencoûts de traduction / frais de traduction 
German to French
vitello all´ uccellettoVeal rolls (bird's nest) 
Italian to English
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