Translation glossary: Financial

Showing entries 1-29 of 29
Acciones a tomarActions to be taken 
Spanish to English
acreedores por servicios diversoscreditors - miscellaneous services 
Spanish to English
Así­ se vende.../Protección de comprasThis is how its sold..../ Purchase protection 
Spanish to English
cash-flow históricohistoric cash flow 
Spanish to English
cash-flow históricohistoric cash-flow 
Spanish to English
cash-flow históricohistoric cash-flow 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
cierre del trimestreclose of quarter 
Spanish to English
Compañí­as sujetas a planes especialesCompanies subject to special plans 
Spanish to English
compromisos operativosoperative commitments 
Spanish to English
conta contabilcuenta contable 
Portuguese to Spanish
Cuentas a cobraraccounts receivable 
Spanish to English
devaluaciones cíclicascyclical devaluations 
Spanish to English
facturas por contratos de servicios/refacturación de costesservice contract invoices and pass-through costs 
Spanish to English
financiación ajenaexternal financing 
Spanish to English
flujos de cajacash flows 
Spanish to English
formato corporativocorporate format 
Spanish to English
Inversiones en activo fijoinvestments in fixed assets/capital 
Spanish to English
Inversiones en activo fijoinvestments in fixed assets/capital 
Spanish to English
La FINANCIACIÓN EN MONEDA EXTRANJERA es arriesgadaforeign currency-denominated financing is risky 
Spanish to English
línea de crédito de contingenciaContingent Credit Line 
Spanish to English
nominalmente inferioresnominally lower 
Spanish to English
periodos medios de pagoaverage payment terms 
Spanish to English
Plan de Incremento de la Rentabilidad (PIR)Performance Increase Plan 
Spanish to English
politica de pago a proveedoressupplier payment policy 
Spanish to English
préstamos/dirección regional/casa centralloans/regional office/head office 
Spanish to English
retraso relevantes en el cobrosignificant delays in collections 
Spanish to English
Servicios centrales/ingresos de la UnidadCentral services/unit revenues 
Spanish to English
SSCCCentral Services 
Spanish to English
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