Translation glossary: SPEN

Showing entries 1-50 of 253
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"cabecera del gaseoducto"gas pipeline header 
Spanish to English
(las cargas sociales son pagadas al) ENTE RECAUDADOR(social charges are paid to the) COLLECTING AGENCY 
Spanish to English
a los fines politico territorialfor political-territorial purposes/objectives 
Spanish to English
añadido vale resto dewas added and is valid 
Spanish to English
abordaje transparenquimatosotransparenchymatous approach 
Spanish to English
accesorios con encaje para soldar y roscadosweld and screw socket accessories 
Spanish to English
ACM por ausencias de ventana transtemporalMiddle Cerebral Artery (MCA) due to lack of transtemporal window 
Spanish to English
acometida no redundante a cero (0) metrosnon-redundant connection at zero (0) meters 
Spanish to English
acometidas de obraworks utility hookups 
Spanish to English
acondicionamiento (see context)storage (in this context) 
Spanish to English
acreditaraccredit / authorize 
Spanish to English
adquisiciones por causa de muertetransfer "causa mortis" 
Spanish to English
agente mandatarioattorney, agent, proxy 
Spanish to English
aguas sanitariassanitary sewage 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
altashigh / higher (gear) 
Spanish to English
Ambiente Continental o marino rasocontinental or shallow marine environment 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
arrope de taludesembankment protection / clothing 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Assessoria de Imprensa, Producao e Edicao em Pequenos meiosPress Advisory Services / Limited Distribution Media Editing and Publishing 
Portuguese to English
at eti del nudoAt ETI of node 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
autos del proceso de divorciorecords of the divorce proceedings 
Spanish to English
Auxiliar letradoAuxiliary Counsel 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
bandeja (electrical connections)tray 
Spanish to English
base ciertareal basis 
Spanish to English
base presuntaassumed basis 
Spanish to English
beneficio de exoneración de responsabilidadbenefit of liability exemption 
Spanish to English
beneficio de limitación de responsabilidadbenefit of liability limitation 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
bifenilos policlorados y polibromadospolychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls 
Spanish to English
Boletas de Garantía BancariasBank Guarantee Bond 
Spanish to English
bollangaBollanga (or dick) 
Spanish to English
Buque navegandoVessel under way 
Spanish to English
Buque navegandoVessel under way 
Spanish to English P. CCivil Procedure Code 
Spanish to English
CABEZALES DE VAPOR Y CONDENSADOsteam and condensate headers 
Spanish to English
caducidadlapse / caducity 
Spanish to English
caducidadlapse / caducity 
Spanish to English
caja operacionaloperational cash 
Spanish to English
cajas de pasajejunction/connection boxes 
Spanish to English
calzada de rodamientodriving roadway 
Spanish to English
canal de llegadainlet channel 
Spanish to English
Cantidad de movimientomomentum 
Spanish to English
cantos de corromerry-go-round / nursery rhymes 
Spanish to English
caragoSee explanation below (Interjection) / heck 
Portuguese to English
carácter no laboralnon-labour character 
Spanish to English
Carta ConstitucionalConstitution / Constitutional Chart 
Spanish to English
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