Translation glossary: raghtransint's French vocabulary

Showing entries 1-50 of 92
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/bpbureau du procureur 
French to English
Admissible S/Cadmissible but conditions apply 
French to English
agencement de deux triptyquesby means of two triptyches 
French to English
applicationapplication or execution 
French to English
éclairage décaisséunsheathed or peeled light wire 
French to English
écoute, conçoit, conseille, accompagne, supervise (phrasing)hears out, conceives, advises, accompanies, monitors 
French to English
balance auxiliairesubsidiary trial balance 
French to English
barre de numerisationscanning bar 
French to English
bloc avec ou sans poinçonpcb stack with or without punch 
French to English
boîtier industrielindustrial housing 
French to English
bon à payerauthorization to pay (or) authorized to pay 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
centres hopitalo-universitairesuniversity hospitals or university hospital centers 
French to English
chèque de retraitwithdrawal slip 
French to English
Classe tolérancetolerance class 
French to English
Code de cessioncession (or) assignment (or) transfer code 
French to English
French to English
commercial-dans-confianceconfidential commercial document 
French to English
compte rendu d'infraction initialfirst information report 
French to English
constituants diviséscut up (or) broken up constituents 
French to English
dans la litièrein the litter 
French to English
décrochement partagéshared or common crank 
French to English
French to English
French to English
dossier de réalisationmaster plan 
French to English
dossier justificatif de fonctionnementperformance calculation sheet 
French to English
Droits à prime et primeright to bonus, bonus 
French to English
en franchise avanttax exempt (earlier) 
French to English
encombrementoverall dimensions or required space 
French to English
envoi sur sitedispatch to site 
French to English
essai thérapeutiquetherapeutical trial 
French to English
Etanche à la bille de 20 mm - maille carréenot allowing passage to the 20 mm ball - square mesh 
French to English
Etat écrituresstatus or state of entries 
French to English
Faisceaux tubulaires d'échangeursTube clusters of exchangers or exchanger tube clusters 
French to English
groupe considérégroup in question or group under consideration 
French to English
Handlenkmomentmanual steering torque (or) moment 
German to English
hors fourniturenot within the scope of supply 
French to English
Il faut être flexibleyou must be flexible 
French to English
French to English
imputationallocation or attribution 
French to English
incentive comité de direction documentéMinuted or logged proceedings of the Management's incentive committee 
French to English
infrastructure informatiqueIT-infrastructure 
French to English
investirinvest (or) adorn 
French to English
investirinvest (or) adorn 
French to English
L'acquereur sera purement et simplement subroge dans les droits et obligations du vendeurThe buyer will be purely and simply subrogated to the rights and obligations of the seller 
French to English
la libre envolee du couteaufree flight/stroke of the palette knife 
French to English
la presse peopletabloid press 
French to English
la règle de création de la zone affectation dans le poste du document.the rule for creating the allocation zone in the item of the document 
French to English
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