Dialekt: Project Details
Short Description Operational Risk Management IT System For a Large Polish Bank
Project Services
    Language pairs Polish to English
    General Fields Bus/Financial
    Specific Fields
    IT (Information Technology)
    Finance (general)
    Computers: Systems, Networks
    Volume 40000 words
    Date completed Jan 2008
    Keywords risk management, IT, banking, technical specifications, operating risk, operational risk, tender, order, bank
    Comment We translated detailed specifications and terms and conditions applicable to a public tender for the implementation of an application that supports the operational risk management in one of the largest Polish banks. Actually, the project included translation both from PL into EN and vice versa when the English-speaking tenderer responded to the Polish bank’s RFI. As is customary with this type of projects, we were pretty much pressed for time and – as is customary in DIALEKT – we made our client happy. Unfortunately, the client is an IT company, not a translation business, and they are not a ProZ member so no feedback on ProZ can be provided. Nevertheless, we will be happy to present more details to any interested client in order to support the credibility of this report.

    Specific fields that are underlined
    have been marked as a specialty by

    denotes outsourcer corroborated completion of project

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