global directory of translation services
The translation workplace

GET: /kudoz

Get a collection of KudoZ records that match a set of criteria. (Akin to browsing "KudoZ questions" on the website.)

Required authorization scope

When using OAuth2 access tokens, the or kudoz.all scope is required to get KudoZ records. See scopes in the authentication guide for information about how to request this scope of authorization.


Search criteria (all are optional):
  • language_pairs: (language pair codes) One or more language pair codes, separated by commas. Ex. eng_spa,eng_fra. Use the special value mine to show KudoZ records in the authenticated user's language pairs.
  • level: (string) Either pro or non-pro.
  • for_points: (string) Any of for, notfor, or fva.
  • status: (string) Either closed or open.
  • asker_type: (string) Limit results to the type of asker. Either member or registered.
  • disc_spec_ids: (specific discipline IDs) One or more specific discipline IDs, separated by commas. Ex. 1,18,105.
  • personal: (string) Limit results to different classes of questions related to the viewer. Same select box option as on the KudoZ page. Can be any single possible value: my_teams, my_questions, my_answers, my_points, my_flags.
  • date_asked: (date) Date the question was asked.
  • keyword: (string) Limit results to those where the source or accepted target term contain this string.
  • include_offensive: (boolean) (default: true) Include questions the asker marked as possibly being offensive.
  • include_homework_or_test: (boolean) (default: true) Include questions the asker marked as being for a homework assignment or test.
  • include_non_translators: (boolean) (default: true) Include questions asked by users who are not translators.
  • include_restricted: (boolean) (default: true) Include questions where the viewer doesn't match question targeting restrictions, such as membership, works in pair, etc.
  • include_gbk: (boolean) (default: true) Include Glossary-Building Kudoz questions.
  • ids: (string) One or more KudoZ record IDs, separated by commas. Ex. 4507358,4507373.
  • page: The result page to return, for pagination. Default: 1.
  • per_page: The maximum number of records to return in this request. Default: 50. Max: 100.

Example request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN}"


Returns a collection of KudoZ records, along with a "side-loaded" list of all users referenced in the KudoZ records.

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""
        "next": {
            "href": ""
        "prev": {
            "href": null
    "kudoz": [
  "id": 123,
  "self_link": "",
  "time_created": "2016-02-20T22:07:51+00:00",
  "time_published": "2016-02-20T22:13:06+00:00",
  "status": "open",
  "level": "pro",
  "language_pair": "eng_fra",
  "preferred_language": "eng",
  "created_by": {
    "name": "John Snow",
    "user": ""
  "source_term": "over-proportionality in systemic exposure",
  "disc_gen_id": 3,
  "disc_spec_id": 95,
  "disc_write_in": "étude clinique/anticance",
  "context": "Doses should not be doubled because with daily doses over the 2.5 mg recommended dose, over-proportionality in systemic exposure was observed (see section Pharmacokinetics).",
  "no_points": false,
  "may_offend": false,
  "from_test": false,
  "from_non_pro": false,
  "auto_close": false,
  "translator_requirements": {
    "native_language": null,
    "language_pair_level": null,
    "disc_level": null,
    "members_only": null
  "num_translations": 3,
  "selected_translation": "",
  "glossary_entry": {
    "source_term": "over-proportionality in systemic exposure",
    "target_term": "over-proportionnalité de l'exposition systémique"
  "suggested_translations": "",
  "comments": ""
}    ],
    "users": [
  "self_link": "",
  "uuid": "32a9a4d0-cb6e-463f-a0ab-63d0a0418bc7",
  "site_name": "John Snow",
  "account_type": 2,
  "freelancer_profile_link": "",
  "profile_url": "",
  "image_url": "",
  "is_proz_member": true,
  "proz_membership_type": "individual",
  "is_cpn": true,
  "cpn_language_pair": "ita_eng",
  "native_languages": [ "eng" ],
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "country": "us",
  "skype": "johnsnow",
  "email_verified": true