Nov 19, 2001 08:29
22 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Danish term

Dansk specialitetsnummer

Danish to English Medical
Abbreviated "" on some Danish SPCs.

Do I translate it, and if so as "Danish drug/product no."??
Proposed translations (English)
5 Danish Drug Registration Number
4 Danish Drug Identification Number

Proposed translations

33 mins

Danish Drug Registration Number

The "specialitetsnummer" is the "ID" number attributed by the authorities responsible for drug registration. When a pharmaceutical company applies for the authotisation to market a product in Denmark, this product is then by the Ministry of Health's dept. for drug registration regarded as a "ny dansk specialitet", a new Danish drug product, where the novelty aspects lies in the fact the product is being introduced for the first time on DANISH markets (even if it is not new as such). It is then attributed a "specialitetsnummer" and listed on the Drug Registry listings.

Since the number is attributed by the authorities responsible for registering the drug, I would put emphasis on Registration so the translation would be: "Drug Registration number"
See for instance § 7 in the Danish Law text reference below.

Excerpt from the law text recommende below:
"Ved en ny farmaceutisk specialitet forstås et lægemiddel, der ved udstedelsen af markedsgøringstilladelsen tildeles et nyt dansk specialitetsnummer."

"upon giving a new therapeutic product the "markedføringstilladelsen" (NB: funny enough there's a spelling mistake in the law text)[meaning the authorisation to market], a new Danish specialty number is attributed."

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 hrs

Danish Drug Identification Number

Carole Muller give a good argument for her suggestion. I've never seen this term _officially_ translated to English. However, at least in Canada, Drug Identification Number is the term used for the same purpose as Carole describes:

>>DIN stands for Drug Identification Number. The Drug Identification Number (DIN) is the number located on the label of prescription and over-the-counter drug products that have been evaluated by the Therapeutic Products Programme (TPP) and approved for sale in Canada.<<

The choice is yours.

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