Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 19 '09 eng>ita BCC Paese Costi Manodopera Ottimali (Best Cost Country) pro open no
- Oct 15 '11 ita>eng tale richiesta è stata motivata da YYY explained that the reason for his/her/its request is to identify... pro closed no
- Jun 30 '10 ita>eng volersi mettere addosso i panni altrui trying to walk in someone else's shoes pro closed ok
- May 27 '10 ita>eng brividi delle tenebre shudders in the darkness easy closed ok
NP May 27 '10 ita>eng gorilla di guardia hefty bouncers on duty easy closed ok
4 Oct 30 '09 ita>eng rifacimento refurbishing pro closed no
- Apr 14 '09 ita>eng il massimo della vita one of life's highest privileges pro closed ok
4 Mar 19 '09 ita>eng consigli non richiesti free tips easy closed no
- Feb 25 '09 ita>eng restringimento della carreggiata narrowing of street lane pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '09 ita>eng ci prova tries to seduce her easy closed ok
- Dec 11 '08 ita>eng diversa da quella dell'acqua ...a different vantage point than that on the water pro closed no
- Dec 3 '08 ita>eng SEDE (in this context) Location pro closed no
- May 2 '08 ita>eng via di fuga gap easy closed ok
- Jan 1 '08 ita>eng ben portati 60-years-old and looking swell easy closed no
- Dec 18 '07 ita>eng chiedere ragione ask for elucidations/specific details pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '07 eng>ita Why don't you test it out on your bleeding-heart appellant here? provalo su quel pappamolle del tuo ricorrente? pro closed no
4 Nov 23 '07 ita>eng prenotazione e proroga dei prestiti library books reservation and due date extension requests easy closed no
- Nov 14 '07 ita>eng pluricomplicato multifaceted complexity or multiple complexity easy open no
- Nov 7 '07 ita>eng pubblica voce come abitualmente colpevoli as the usual suspects pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '07 eng>ita Police Caution Legge Miranda/leggere i diritti all'imputato pro closed no
- Oct 13 '07 ita>eng di turno intellectual/cultural/political circles pro closed ok
4 Oct 11 '07 ita>eng non muovere orecchia did not flinch pro closed no
- Oct 9 '07 eng>ita they play for keeps sono dei violenti/giocano duro easy open no
- Oct 5 '07 ita>eng capacità d'intervento in attivita socio educative ability to interact in extra curricular activities pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '07 ita>eng per dirla con in Evola's words pro closed no
4 Oct 3 '07 ita>eng entrare in rumba sucked into the turmoil (of things)/is becoming affected pro closed no
- Sep 27 '07 ita>eng Lamiera cieca hide-all metal casing pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '07 eng>eng carriage works miniature di carrozze/soprammobili pro closed no
- Aug 28 '07 ita>eng domanda a risposta fissa questions with predetermined answer choice/s pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '07 ita>eng utilità differite deferred-utility capital pro just_closed no
- Jul 20 '07 ita>eng parlare col pensiero 'through/via their mind' pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '07 eng>ita Growing tables impalcatura per la vasetteria vivaistica in serra pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '07 ita>eng igienizzante sanitizing pro closed ok
- Jul 3 '07 eng>ita attained a value of 0.50 D raggiunga/abbia raggiunto un valore di(oppure 0,50 D)... pro closed ok
2 Jun 23 '07 eng>ita knee angle inclinazione del sedile/angolo di inclinazione del sedile moto pro closed no
- Jun 23 '07 eng>ita power roadster bolide su/a due ruote pro closed no
- Jun 16 '07 eng>ita as close to a sure thing as una garanzia di qualita' pro closed no
- Jun 14 '07 eng>ita Energized Horoscope vital energy horoscope or horoscope of vital energy easy closed no
3 Jun 13 '07 eng>ita revving the throttle between their thighs dare sfogo al proprio tumulto interiore pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '07 eng>ita Pop as well as kiddo culture/low culture; complex/simple; conformist/non-conformist pro closed ok
- Jun 2 '07 ita>eng relazione dissertation or dissertation excerpt pro closed ok
- May 21 '07 ita>eng "Si può crescere fino a 26 anni" A person can grow in height through his/her 26th year of age easy closed no
- May 21 '07 ita>eng Le cose "in basso" See explanation below pro closed no
- May 21 '07 ita>eng requisiti morali moral standards easy closed no
- May 17 '07 ita>eng masticare il cirillico per comunicare if they are not somewhat fluent in pro closed no
- May 10 '07 ita>eng era stata indicata e poi corretta checked-off than erased pro closed no
- May 4 '07 ita>eng le mille sfaccettature del cuore the heart and its thousand ways pro closed ok
- Apr 23 '07 ita>eng catino basin pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '07 ita>eng coppia di fatto they are partners in life/live together/they are an item/a couple pro closed ok
4 Mar 28 '07 ita>eng graduatoria di merito in base ai requisiti sopra indicati list of qualified candidates according to the standards indicated above pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered