Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 14 '16 rus>eng Сразить strike pro closed no
- Feb 9 '13 rus>eng раздери меня гром goddamit pro closed no
- Feb 1 '13 rus>eng догадаться испугаться finally figured out she had to act frightened pro closed ok
- Jan 14 '13 rus>eng трико с вытянутыми коленками sweat pants sagging in the knees pro closed no
4 Jan 9 '13 eng>rus birthed into появилась на свет pro closed ok
- Oct 12 '11 rus>eng я нигде не работаю I don't have a job pro closed no
- Jul 28 '11 rus>eng всё не перережете! you can't rip them all! pro closed no
- Jul 22 '11 rus>eng маленький потный вонючий кусок обезьяны You, little sweaty smelly ass chimp pro closed no
- Jul 22 '11 rus>eng тарифный план rate plan pro closed no
- Jul 22 '11 rus>eng всё по-взрослому so... are we now up to par? pro closed no
- Jun 28 '11 rus>eng доходят до чувств couldn't be fathomed pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '11 rus>eng основной массив city core pro closed no
- Mar 21 '11 rus>eng Он мотнулся на полати за корытцем dashed to the bunk for the trough pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '11 rus>eng Шагреневая кожа melt like snow in the sun pro closed ok
4 Jan 21 '11 eng>rus bulls in a china shop // balls in a china shop какой еще сон в посудной лавке? pro closed no
- Nov 17 '10 eng>rus a lot of balls in the air вариант pro closed no
- Aug 27 '10 rus>eng слабину дать just once give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile pro closed no
4 Aug 26 '10 rus>eng не давать жить is such a pain in my butt pro closed no
- Aug 26 '10 rus>eng похмелье снимать cure a hangover pro closed no
- Aug 18 '10 rus>eng горе-организатор ill-producer pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '10 rus>eng дружинник trooper pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '10 rus>eng выщербленные стены chipped walls pro closed no
- Apr 4 '08 eng>eng bin (and bin collection) below pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '07 eng>rus ive bummed the way меня не обрадовало, как [что-то произошло] pro closed no
- Nov 1 '07 eng>rus command and (out of) control командование и никакого управления pro closed no
- Sep 11 '07 eng>rus by inserting your little finger between your baby's gums and your nipple поместив мизинец между соском и десной ребенка pro closed no
- Sep 5 '07 rus>eng "Тух-тух-тух" - ударяло, приближаясь The "chuga-chuga-chuga" ramming sound was nearing closer and closer pro closed no
- Sep 4 '07 rus>eng идти навстречу accommodating pro closed no
- Aug 31 '07 rus>eng брякнул в тишине clanged in the quiet pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '07 rus>eng что-то от уголовника, правда, несколько декоративного ... acquired a taint of that of a criminal, albeit a somewhat histrionic one ... pro closed no
- Aug 27 '07 rus>eng торговая улица strip mall pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '07 rus>eng облысевшая голова reflecting his head that's gone bald, resembling now a good ostrich egg pro closed no
- Aug 27 '07 rus>eng писатель средней руки average writer pro closed no
- Aug 18 '07 rus>eng нести свой крест carry that weight pro closed ok
- Aug 16 '07 eng>rus arms wrapped almost all the way around his own body так, что у него руки чуть не сошлись на спине pro closed no
- Aug 15 '07 rus>eng оседлал sat astride pro closed ok
4 Jul 31 '07 eng>rus head has engaged опускание головки плода в область малого таза pro closed no
4 Jul 31 '07 eng>rus breasts heading south for good отвиснут навсегда pro closed no
- Jul 25 '07 rus>eng Это - кошка, это мышка (here) below pro closed ok
- May 12 '07 rus>eng миг, который называется жизнью (brief) moment called life pro closed ok
4 May 12 '07 rus>eng большое видится на расстоянии (it's a) pity you can only see (or appreciate) the big picture from a distance pro closed ok
- May 11 '07 rus>eng заботой о том, чем бы еще привлечь туристов ever-lingering concern of what else to employ to attract visitors pro closed ok
4 May 2 '07 rus>eng цветовая пляска под названием "попал" a distinctive grimace of 'busted' pro closed no
- May 2 '07 rus>eng шпарить yakking in French pro closed ok
- May 1 '07 rus>eng прошлепали ножками по камням their pretty legs treaded upon bare rocks pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '07 rus>eng под колпаком I always feel like somebody's watching me pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '07 eng>eng Pronunciation of "O’Shaugnessy" like you'd pronounce O'Shawnessy easy closed ok
4 Apr 18 '07 rus>rus о кают-компаниях столовая pro closed no
- Apr 9 '07 eng>eng "stiff drink", "amber in colour", comes from the bottle into a glass hard liquor, anything from rum, to whisky, to brandy pro closed no
4 Apr 9 '07 eng>rus liquor ration рацион спиртного pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered