Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 5 '10 fra>eng clé technique technical key pro closed no
4 Oct 4 '10 fra>eng droits d’interprétation performing rights pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '10 fra>eng de rigueur mandatory pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '10 fra>eng régie simple under direct state control pro just_closed no
- Sep 17 '10 eng>fra subject thereto Sous cette réserve pro closed ok
4 Sep 16 '10 eng>fra address the matters aborder les questions / répondre aux questions pro closed ok
- Sep 16 '10 eng>fra subject to the relevant limitations sous réserve des limitations pertinentes prescrites par la loi pro closed no
- Sep 14 '10 fra>eng trancher en dernière instance which will ultimately decide pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '10 fra>eng toute obligation fiscale any tax liability pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '10 fra>eng sur le montant brut from the gross amount of the contract easy closed ok
- Sep 7 '10 fra>eng décompte jour par jour day-by-day breakdown / daily breakdown pro closed no
- Sep 6 '10 fra>eng droit de garantie warranty claim pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '10 fra>eng tout dépassement In the event that the total amount is exceeded pro closed ok
3 Aug 28 '10 eng>fra the Supplier will provide and the Client will purchase the Services Le Fournisseur fournira et le Client achètera les services pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '10 fra>eng Copie intégrale certifiée conforme selon le procédé de traitement informatisé Complete and electronic certified true copy pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '10 eng>fra as he shall notify to mesures raisonnables dont le Client notifiera / signalera de temps en temps au Fournisseur pro closed no
- Aug 25 '10 eng>fra rights in the nature of unfair competition (les) droits dans la nature de la concurrence déloyale pro just_closed no
4 Aug 24 '10 eng>fra constructive dismissal démission forcée pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '10 fra>eng troisième mois third month pro closed ok
- Aug 11 '10 fra>eng appel à la cause requesting the inclusion of company U in the case pro just_closed no
- Aug 3 '10 fra>eng il est préalablement exposé ce qui suit The following has previously been stated: easy closed ok
4 Jul 29 '10 fra>eng pour constituer l'un des éléments exigés in order to constitute one of the required elements pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '10 fra>eng qui n'est plus supportée conformément au contrat which is no longer supported in accordance with the contract easy closed ok
- Jun 8 '10 fra>eng comparaison de signature comparing the signature / comparison of the signature easy just_closed ok
- May 12 '10 fra>eng au regard des présentes regarding the present contract easy closed ok
4 May 7 '10 fra>eng dénonciation (de deux dispositions) Purpose: Notice of termination of two provisions from the letter dated... pro closed ok
4 May 4 '10 fra>eng délivrées par la Préfecture de Police de Parts garantie bancaire issued by the Police Headquarters of Paris, bank guarantee easy closed ok
4 Apr 13 '10 fra>eng le moment de réception faisant foi the time of receipt being proof thereof pro closed ok
- Apr 10 '10 fra>eng jurisprudence de bienveillance caselaw / case law of goodwill pro closed no
- Feb 27 '10 fra>eng défaut de retour failure to return the bill pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '10 fra>eng au titre de deux mois d'exécution du contrat pursuant to the contract's two months of execution pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '10 fra>eng Contrat Auto Vendeur A contract that sells itself pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '10 fra>eng créances hypothécaires mortgage loans pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '10 fra>eng réserve reservation pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '10 fra>eng du dédit, de la clause pénale of the penalty, of the penal clause pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '10 fra>eng au bénéfice d’un droit de préemption, d’emption ou de réméré for the benefit of a right of pre-emption, emption or redemption pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '10 fra>eng Société d'Exercice Libéral a company with a professional activity pro closed no
4 Feb 3 '10 fra>eng préjudice damage easy closed ok
- Jan 29 '10 fra>eng acte notarié de réitération du Crédit notarial deed of credit confirmation pro just_closed no
- Jan 26 '10 fra>eng mener plus avant to advance easy closed ok
- Jan 23 '10 fra>eng requérir la mainlevée provisoire contre le locataire to request the provisional withdrawal of opposition agains the tenant pro just_closed no
4 Jan 8 '10 fra>eng en cas de recours ultérieur en garantie de l’Acheteur contre lui in the event of the Buyer enforcing any subsequent warranty / guarantee against the Seller pro closed ok
3 Dec 18 '09 fra>eng la légalité d'un acte the legality of a deed / document easy closed ok
- Dec 11 '09 fra>eng sous le sceau du secret in strictest secrecy / confidentiality easy closed ok
- Dec 8 '09 fra>eng déclare parfaitement connaître is fully aware (that)... easy closed ok
4 Dec 1 '09 fra>eng taux de référence basis rate easy closed ok
- Nov 30 '09 fra>eng le groupement de fait the de facto pooling agreement pro closed ok
- Nov 30 '09 fra>eng en cours d'immatriculation in the process of registration easy closed no
- Nov 29 '09 fra>eng tempérament au dol a measure constituting fraud / misrepresentation pro closed no
- Nov 24 '09 fra>eng suivi du contrat Monitoring / Follow-up of the contract. pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered