Asked | Open questions | Answered
Date Pair Term Level Status Answers (undeclined) Gloss
Aug 15 '05 eng>ita Please direct us to the nearest hospital that has an emergency room easy closed 3 no
Aug 15 '05 eng>ita my son is having an allergic reaction, please call the ambulance easy closed 2 no
Aug 15 '05 eng>ita Please ask the kitchen to make sure no nut products get into his food easy closed 3 no
Aug 15 '05 eng>ita He is allergic to nuts and may die if he eats any nuts easy closed 3 no
Aug 15 '05 eng>ita My son can't eat any nuts incl. pine nuts,cashews, pistachios, walnuts & peanuts easy closed 2 no
Asked | Open questions | Answered