Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 2 '01 deu>eng Verbundfraktion metal and compounded fractions pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '01 deu>eng bitte alle für die Aufnahme des Studiums im Heimatland erforderlichen Dokumente beifügen You are going to far Al Saleh Mohammad pro closed no
- Dec 1 '01 deu>eng antreten to provide pro closed no
- Nov 28 '01 deu>eng Produktivstellung no answer yet pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '01 deu>eng Zuwanderung migration easy closed ok
4 Nov 24 '01 deu>eng Passfähigkeit compatibility pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '01 deu>eng Platzhirsch old bull easy closed ok
- Nov 20 '01 deu>eng a sentence Secretivley they wish that she would at least... easy closed no
- Nov 20 '01 deu>eng Porsche From driving a Porsche to piercing. pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '01 deu>eng verspielt er sich so alle Sympathien Although he will lose his esteem, he is convinced that ... pro closed ok
4 Nov 18 '01 deu>eng Umfangswinkel angle of circumference pro closed no
- Nov 14 '01 deu>eng Als die Raben noch bunt waren When the crows were of many colors... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered