Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Sep 20 '07 eng>eng coochie-coochie music Hoochie coochie music pro closed no
- Jun 8 '07 eng>eng [someone who] doesn’t have a shell possible reference to shotgun shells pro closed no
- Jun 8 '07 eng>eng things that go click may have something to do with making bombs pro closed no
4 Jun 8 '07 eng>eng hot carnauba wax really come out pseudo deep question to ponder pro closed no
4 May 2 '07 eng>eng hold on to your corn-cob pipe get ready to hear the shocking part... pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '07 eng>eng Elvis plates license plates? (with elvis name) pro closed no
- Feb 25 '07 fra>eng il y a un ailleurs there is another place/ a place of fantasy/ a dream world easy closed ok
- Feb 16 '07 eng>eng brainfest not for grading pro closed no
- Dec 7 '06 eng>eng Lessor artists lesser (typo - below in importance) easy closed ok
4 Mar 24 '06 eng>eng Upper West Side Jap discriminatory label pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '06 eng>eng We never got our side of the story out. we never had the opportunity to explain our motivations pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '06 eng>fra spanked nfg easy closed no
4 Dec 20 '05 eng>fra moving drama un drame émouvant easy closed ok
- Oct 17 '05 eng>fra Steps high, steps wide mille marches en hauteur easy closed ok
4 Oct 11 '05 eng>fra Damn me merde! easy closed ok
4 Sep 12 '05 eng>fra to swallow a bug expression -avoir l'air de surprise et peur (oh no!) pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '05 eng>fra paperbag them out style pour porter des pantalons pro closed no
- Aug 23 '05 eng>fra Hey, buddy, pocket T? T-shirt with a pocket - (in a clothing store) pro closed no
4 Aug 20 '05 eng>fra I gotta leave me for a block over here... je dois me laisser une place ici pro closed no
4 Jul 29 '05 eng>eng people person a person who is sociable, friendly, makes others feel at ease easy closed ok
- Jul 26 '05 eng>fra Voir ci-dessous sent l'eau de rose (fucking is added here for emphasis - just " too too much" ) pro closed no
- Jul 25 '05 eng>fra Boat of God le bateau béni easy closed ok
- Jul 5 '05 eng>eng foolish fancy not for grading easy closed ok
- Jul 5 '05 eng>eng break a bank not for grading (idiom websites) easy closed no
- Jun 14 '05 eng>fra WARP vitesse (spatiale) pro closed no
4 Jun 12 '05 eng>eng bust in on sth appear suddenly barge in, interrupt (on that group of people) pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '05 eng>fra Différence entre dolly shot et tracking shot same thing according to websites pro closed no
- May 24 '05 fra>eng droit au mur that led nowhere - pro closed no
4 May 24 '05 fra>eng l’univers s’est bien fichu de moi. the universe has had a good laugh at my expense easy closed ok
4 May 21 '05 fra>eng bouleversé ma vie. turned my life upside down / affected my life in a profound manner easy closed ok
- May 20 '05 fra>eng exerçait the power he had over people/effect he had on people pro closed no
4 May 16 '05 fra>eng le film xxxx a vu ses droits cédés à xxxxxx the rights to the film were sold pro closed ok
- May 5 '05 fra>eng grain de sable qui dérègle la machine little strokes fell great oaks pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '05 eng>ind drafts beer on tap/draft beer easy closed ok
- Apr 6 '05 eng>fra lay-out of pack shot layout? pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '05 eng>fra Spit-take FYI pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '05 eng>eng break to give someone special consideration easy closed no
4 Mar 24 '05 eng>eng reaching out trying to connect with another person emotionally pro closed no
- Feb 21 '05 fra>eng PRECEDENTES SELECTIONS DU FILM previous film clips pro closed no
- Jan 20 '05 fra>eng la faconde et l'accent rocailleux du sud-ouest chatty style and gruff accent pro closed no
- Jan 18 '05 eng>eng the coat peg is starting to drop my guess pro closed no
- Jan 6 '05 fra>eng Coproduction co-sponsored / have received a grant from easy closed ok
4 Dec 27 '04 fra>eng passages éclairs (TV) 2-minute spots/ short spots pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '04 eng>eng a two drink minimum you need a drink to be able to sit through it pro closed no
- Dec 21 '04 eng>fra humanitarian of the year award La récompense humanitaire easy closed no
4 Dec 21 '04 eng>eng a 78-point turn take-off on a 3-point-turn pro closed no
- Dec 14 '04 eng>eng vinking the tiddlies game pro closed no
- Dec 5 '04 eng>fra working director metteur en scène demandé pro closed no
4 Nov 26 '04 eng>fra dodge Dodge County, Nebraska or Wisconsin pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '04 eng>eng stand-ups comments pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered