Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 14 '04 eng>fra certains titres de dessins animés titres ci dessous pro closed no
- Oct 13 '04 eng>fra Bullet n°5 suggestion pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '04 eng>fra Mecca le paradis du carnaval et de la samba easy closed ok
4 Oct 7 '04 eng>fra Earth art can turn blind economics into visual economics. Le Earth Art peut faire d'une économie froide une économie communicative easy closed no
- Oct 1 '04 eng>fra curry lunch manger Indien easy closed ok
- Oct 1 '04 esl>fra correr (las aplicaciones) être installé pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '04 eng>fra activate activer easy closed no
- Sep 30 '04 fra>eng licenciement boursier greedy layoff pro closed no
3 Sep 30 '04 eng>fra off the blocks prends un meilleur départ easy closed no
- Sep 30 '04 fra>eng chercher à la marge find them in the margins pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '04 eng>fra to have a blast s'éclater easy closed no
- Sep 29 '04 eng>fra to keep the credit la légitimité pro closed no
- Sep 29 '04 eng>fra a man’s mate value to a woman is as much as les qualités de partenaire comptent autant que le reste pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '04 eng>fra excessive reporting rapports inutiles pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '04 eng>fra in full consideration of en tenant compte pro closed ok
4 Sep 28 '04 eng>fra with clear ambitions to deliver more avec la ferme ambition d'en faire plus pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '04 eng>fra Thank you for registering on XXX. Merci de votre inscription pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '03 eng>fra reactive on screen human contact un interlocuteur humain réactif à l'écran pro closed ok
4 Nov 2 '03 eng>fra fast track trade promotion authority une TPA easy closed ok
- Nov 2 '03 eng>fra phrase tu épuises ta capacité d'émerveillement easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra two-thirds world les pays développés easy closed ok
4 Nov 1 '03 eng>fra school performer intervenant scolaire easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra phrase entre ** la chaleur de la rue, les bars et un peu tout ce qui bougeait à New York easy closed ok
4 Nov 1 '03 eng>fra by the Completion or Non-completion la complétion ou la non-complétion pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra how to take care of myself. ...mais j'ai aussi appris à m'assumer. easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra phrase entre ** "je ne veux pas m'en détourner"... easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra speed bag ballon de boxe easy closed ok
4 Nov 1 '03 fra>eng Il a emprunté l'escalier he took the stairs easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '03 eng>fra not the least of which non des moindres pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '03 eng>fra back table table porte-instruments pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '03 eng>fra framework conditions conditions-cadres easy closed ok
- Oct 16 '03 eng>fra the object of their group buddy-ness, leur camarade et l'objet de leur camaraderie easy closed ok
- Oct 6 '03 eng>fra for a workers' mayor on a workers wage un maire pour les travailleurs, un maire au salaire de travailleur! pro open no
4 May 19 '02 eng>fra Size - Colour taille - coloris easy closed ok
- May 18 '02 eng>fra unisole tige pro closed ok
- May 18 '02 eng>fra average grade recovery retrouver une teneur moyenne pro closed ok
- May 17 '02 eng>fra swage stand-off through hole (clearance for #6 screw) Trou débouchant à découvert estampé (espace pour vis numero 6) pro open no
3 May 18 '02 fra>eng AGIRC General Association of Management Employees Pension Plan Institutions pro closed ok
4 May 18 '02 fra>eng ARRCO ARRCO pro closed ok
- May 18 '02 eng>fra my miracle mon miracle easy closed no
- May 17 '02 eng>fra whatever laisse tomber! easy closed no
- May 17 '02 eng>fra P.R. Poste de pilotage pro closed ok
- May 16 '02 fra>eng transmission au client d'un document qui le concerne to hand over to the client a document that concerns him easy closed ok
- May 16 '02 eng>fra Ceiling adaptor; connector adaptateur, connecteur de plafond pro closed ok
4 May 16 '02 eng>fra Oversight of the Executive Branch of Governmentt Contrôle de la branche exécutive du gouvernement pro closed ok
- May 16 '02 eng>fra House Board Secrétariat de chaque chambre du parlement pro closed ok
4 May 16 '02 eng>fra i-line projection stepper Projecteur pas à pas de type “i-line" easy closed ok
- May 16 '02 eng>fra Disinhibited désinhibée easy closed ok
4 May 16 '02 eng>fra terminator power alimentation de terminaison easy closed ok
4 May 16 '02 eng>fra metering device appareil de mesure easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered