Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 13 '13 heb>eng שתקראנה להלן ולשם קיצור צד א who shall hereafter, and for the sake of brevity, be referred to as 1st Party pro closed ok
- Feb 11 '13 heb>eng נעלה מספק beyond any doubt pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '13 heb>eng פדי מב piskei din 42 pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '12 heb>eng סיווגי תיקים משפטיים: עמ"ש ותמ"ש 1. Ir'ur mishpacha - family court appeal; 2. Tik Mishpacha - family case (or file) pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '12 heb>eng סעיף count pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '12 heb>eng החוק למניעת הטרדה מינית והתנכלות על רקע מיני Law for the prevention of sexual harassment and prejudicial treatmetn pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '12 heb>eng הואיל inasmuch as pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '12 heb>eng נדרשת ראיה חיובית ולו אף הקלושה ביותר, המצטרפת לחיי השלום והצוותא של בני הזוג Even the slightest scintilla of evidence is required, that adds up pro closed no
- Sep 15 '12 heb>eng לרבות שלא על מנת למעט including and in order not to understate the case pro closed no
- Sep 17 '12 heb>eng פרטה specification of assets and liabilities of an estate pro closed ok
4 Sep 5 '12 heb>eng ניתנה והודעה היום Handed down and announced this day pro closed ok
4 Sep 5 '12 heb>eng בר"ע Petition (or application) for leave to appeal pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '12 heb>eng ב.ז. contempt of court pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '12 heb>eng תיק מכרז Invitation to Tender file pro closed no
- Aug 6 '12 heb>eng במעמד החתימה Upon subscription pro closed no
- Aug 6 '12 heb>eng חוק עסקאות גופים ציבוריים התשל"ו Public Bodes Transactions (Enforcement of Bookkeeping pro closed no
- Jul 27 '12 heb>eng התובע זכאי לפיצוי על חובתו המשפטית והמוסרית להשיב להוריו על הטבות הנזק שהטיבו או The Plaintiff is entitled to compensation for his legal and moral obligation to recompense his pare pro just_closed no
- Jun 20 '12 heb>eng תביעה כרוכה incidental action pro closed no
4 Jun 18 '12 heb>eng Civil Law Procedure Regulations pro closed ok
- Jun 17 '12 heb>eng תזכורת Adjournment for the purpose of a memorandum pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '12 heb>eng יסודות העוולה elements of the tort pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '12 heb>eng צו קיום צוואה and צו ירושה Succession order and probate order pro closed ok
4 May 20 '12 heb>eng מב"ד awaiting adjudication pro closed ok
4 Mar 29 '12 heb>eng מי שהיה לא עוד יהיה ומי שהלך לא עוד ישוב he who once was shall be no more, and he who is departed shall never return pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '12 heb>eng מי שהיה לא עוד יהיה ומי שהלך לא עוד ישוב He who once was shall be no more, and he who has left shall not return pro closed ok
4 Mar 29 '12 heb>eng בדמותינו ובצלמנו ( לפי ההקשר הבא)י we shall fashion this tool in our own image and likeness pro closed ok
- Mar 19 '12 heb>eng ניתן והודע handed down and announced pro open no
4 Feb 19 '12 heb>eng תובע שכנגד counter claimant pro closed ok
- Feb 19 '12 heb>eng בעלי מהלכים people who possess access pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '12 heb>eng מ"ת Maatzar ad tom hehalikhim - detention until completion of proceedings pro just_closed no
- Feb 9 '12 heb>eng משקיים חשש Since it is to be feared that pro closed no
4 Feb 9 '12 heb>eng ( מ"ת ...) maatzar ad tom hahalikhim - detention until completion of proceedings pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '12 heb>eng בשפ bakashot shonot pliliot - Miscellaneous criminal applications pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '12 heb>eng המודיעים לצדדים שלישיים Third party informants pro closed ok
- Jan 4 '12 heb>eng רב הנסתר על הגלוי it is one that is more latent than manifest pro closed no
- Dec 12 '11 heb>eng :ודוק To wit pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '11 heb>eng היות ואין אדם יודע את פקודתו Whereas no man knoweth his appointed hour pro closed ok
4 Dec 8 '11 heb>eng ערכאה מוסמכת competent court pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '11 heb>eng בפני כבוד השופט Before the Honorable Judge pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '11 heb>eng י״פ התשס״ח, עמי 439 Yalkut Pirsumim - Government Notices pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '11 heb>eng לעניין חוק זה, דין המדינה כדין כל אדם For the purpose of this law, the State has the same legal standing as any person pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '11 heb>eng שלב תצהיר עדות ראשית במשפט evidence-in-chief affidavit stage of the trial pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '11 heb>eng פסק דין judgment pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '11 heb>eng חמ'/ could it be undersigned? pro open no
- Jul 10 '11 heb>eng הסכם ממון Spouses' property relations agreement pro closed no
4 Jul 2 '11 heb>eng גובה התחייבות the amount of the commitment pro closed ok
4 Jun 29 '11 heb>eng Legal docs written in the future tense (in Hebrew) the Plaintiff will plead, etc. pro closed ok
4 May 20 '11 heb>eng לא ילמדו ממנה גזרה שווה בכל מקרה אחר No inference shall be drawn therefrom in any other case pro closed ok
4 May 10 '11 heb>eng דינה להגנז it should be consigned to archives pro closed ok
- May 9 '11 heb>eng לנער חוצנה The company washes its hands of pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered