Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 3 '05 eng>eng Perfect Continuous It's not just about the tenses pro closed no
- Mar 3 '05 rus>eng и ночи как не бывало and the night dissolved pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '04 rus>eng припереться Look who showed up, I'll be darn/Look who dragged his butt all the way here pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '04 rus>eng На строгий суд читателя [presenting my work] to the discriminating reader's judgment pro closed no
4 Oct 5 '04 rus>eng Помогите с переводом длинного предложения Варианты pro closed no
- Sep 15 '04 eng>eng singular ambiguity a unique ambiguity, or, perhaps, the only ambiguity... pro closed no
- Sep 15 '04 eng>eng in more ways than one there are many associations with something that is already familiar pro closed no
- Mar 11 '04 rus>eng v myshinii glazok - khvostik lampadi You may have to reconstruct the sentence pro closed no
- Oct 21 '03 eng>rus don't give away the time of day if they're standing beside a sundial Предположение - несколько иной смысл pro closed ok
4 May 26 '03 eng>rus she sat down in a chair neither hearing nor not listening Она села в кресло, не слыша, и в тоже время слушая/прислушиваясь pro closed ok
- Mar 26 '03 eng>rus traumatize thy neighbor невзлюби своего соседа pro closed no
- Mar 17 '03 eng>rus the second sentence of the context Им повезло (вряд ли это можно было истолоковать иначе) pro closed no
- Mar 17 '03 eng>rus the soft declivity of Hampstead began to confess Saint John's Wood To be accurate to the text - комментарий, не для оценки pro closed no
- Mar 11 '03 eng>rus Have yet to spring open Ещё предстоит взорваться/раскрыться полям воздушной кукурузы pro closed no
- Feb 22 '03 eng>rus It was a task beyond reason Многие считали это дело неблагоразумным, в особенности pro closed no
- Feb 22 '03 eng>rus gave a thumb up/raincoated и прожестикулировали "Порядок, можно лететь" столпившимся...зрителям в плащах pro closed no
- Feb 22 '03 eng>rus to take in stride приходилось воспринимать все особенности Vimy, и положительные, и отрицательные, как нечто ... pro closed no
- Feb 21 '03 eng>rus vintage прославленная старинная модель pro closed no
- Feb 16 '03 eng>rus Male Call Вас вызывают! (Это каламбур) pro closed no
- Jan 9 '03 rus>eng Polonski, Song of a Gipsy Woman My version:) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered