Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 17 '08 chi>eng 眼镜男 four-eyes pro closed no
4 Apr 30 '08 chi>eng 温润 soft and sleek pro closed no
- Apr 22 '08 eng>chi tempered with... 使(某物)暖和 easy closed ok
- Sep 8 '06 chi>eng 胡球 胡球的走 = and acting as if they own the place; and going about pleasing themselves pro closed no
- Aug 29 '06 chi>eng 湖广熟,天下足 FYI '湖广'指湖北,湖南? pro closed no
- Oct 19 '05 chi>eng 张真人 FYI: 张三丰原名张君宝... pro closed no
- Oct 8 '05 chi>eng 世界拳坛上处于中等偏上水平 句子分析有小毛病:应该是:中国女子拳击/在世界拳坛上/处于中等偏上水平。 pro closed ok
3 Oct 8 '05 chi>eng 国际奥委会妇女和运动委员会主席, 以官员身份 FYI 身份 = capacity pro closed no
3 Oct 8 '05 chi>eng 运动细胞 natural sportiness, sporting genes, naturally sporty, natural fitness, naturally fit and sporty pro closed no
3 Oct 8 '05 chi>eng 威震 威震武林的 = who inspired awe in martial arts circles pro closed no
- Oct 7 '05 chi>eng 俗家弟子 俗家 = 在家 = 1 lay? 2 non-residential (= day) student? pro closed no
4 Oct 7 '05 chi>eng 名诵千古的文章”兰亭集序”,流殇曲水 兰亭集序 = the Orchid Pavilion Preface; the Lan-ting Xu; the Lan-t’ing hsu pro closed no
3 Oct 7 '05 chi>eng 重出江湖?武学界人士 江湖 = 1 in all corners of the country; in the wide world 2 on the highways and byways pro closed no
3 Sep 30 '05 chi>eng 桃李满门。 见:桃李盈门 pro closed no
- Sep 29 '05 chi>eng 尘埃落定, 不搞一刀切 一刀切 pro closed no
- Sep 29 '05 chi>eng 定比有沐春風、如飲醍醐之感。 FYI 如飲醍醐(成语) pro closed ok
2 Sep 9 '05 chi>eng Lion Dance sifus/shifus = masters/teachers/trainers pro closed no
3 Sep 9 '05 chi>eng Lion Dance 似的 means it is a simile pro closed no
- Jul 19 '05 chi>eng Guen Han Ging and Guen Han Har Ging Cantonese? or some other Chinese dialect Hokkein, Teochew, Hakka, Sze Yap ?? pro closed no
- Jul 18 '05 eng>chi Ego problems it means they compete for rank and status, instead of getting on with the job pro closed no
3 Jul 18 '05 eng>chi The separation prevents from overwhelming the beginner FYI overwhelm = 使受不了 pro closed no
3 Jul 11 '05 chi>eng (把功夫发扬海外) FYI 发扬 = develop; carry on (or forward); keep up; add to; encourage pro closed no
3 Jun 7 '05 chi>eng 关门弟子 弟子 = student pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered