Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 14 '08 eng>chi free issue material 见:业主自备材料条款(免费采用材料条款);‘业主供料’ easy closed ok
- Aug 14 '08 eng>chi more comfortable in the tactical here and now怎么理解? 喜欢在需要策略方面的技巧的现实现场的情况下(活动、工作、等等) pro closed no
- Aug 12 '08 eng>chi in any event spontaneously in any event = 不管怎样 pro closed no
4 Jun 2 '08 eng>chi definitive agreement "definitive" has been asked before easy closed no
- May 21 '08 eng>chi REVERSE-FACTORING AGREEMENT factor = 保理商;应收帐款承购商;应收帐款受让管理商 pro closed ok
- May 21 '08 eng>chi retained has been retained 被聘请 pro closed no
- May 21 '08 eng>chi INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 獨立的合約人;独立承揽人;独立合同人 pro closed ok
- May 17 '08 eng>chi close close a sale/deal = 达成交易 pro closed no
- May 13 '08 eng>chi circumstances may warrant as the circumstances warrant = 按情況需要 pro closed no
4 May 10 '08 eng>chi in good faith 本着诚信的原则 pro closed no
- May 8 '08 eng>chi store front like a show-room, or a display at a permanent trade fair exhibition pro closed ok
- May 8 '08 eng>chi be liable to be liable (to the other for damages) pro closed ok
4 May 8 '08 eng>chi plate diameter plate = 三角漏斗中熔焊进de一个多孔(玻璃)盘 pro closed no
- May 8 '08 eng>chi rubber policeman some kind of cap pro closed no
4 May 8 '08 eng>chi spherical beads 球形(木质素)珠体; beads has been asked before pro closed ok
4 May 8 '08 eng>chi effect of expiration or termination expiration = (合同)期满; termination = 终止(合同) pro closed no
4 May 7 '08 eng>chi INHERENTLY DANGEROUS APPLICATIONS examples of inherently dangerous applications: nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical pro closed ok
- May 7 '08 eng>chi constitute has been asked before pro closed ok
- May 6 '08 eng>chi agreed part of goods the part of the order that is not back ordered pro closed no
- May 6 '08 eng>chi make commercial act commercial act = 商务记录 pro closed ok
- May 6 '08 eng>chi banks-correspondents corresponding bank = 往来银行; correspondent bank = 议付行 pro closed no
- May 6 '08 eng>chi due by 和 claims against 'due' has been asked before = 应付 pro closed ok
- May 5 '08 eng>chi transfer 和 assignment has been asked before: 过户与转让 pro closed ok
4 May 5 '08 eng>chi title & proprietary rights 产权,(著作权)与其他所有权 pro closed no
- Apr 29 '08 eng>chi non-solicitation agreement non-solicitation = 杜绝拉拢;不得拉拢客户;禁止拉拢 pro closed no
- Apr 18 '08 chi>eng 不作價 由外方不作价提供 pro closed no
- Apr 17 '08 chi>eng 中外來料加工合同 來料加工合同 = Contract For Processing With Supplied Materials pro closed no
- Apr 17 '08 eng>chi with CONSULTANT’S rights afforded to it afford = to give; yield; furnish = 提供 pro closed no
- Mar 27 '08 eng>chi performance specifications performance = contract performance 合同履行 pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '08 eng>chi provided for If a law or agreement provides for something, it allows it to happen or exist. pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '08 eng>chi quiet use and enjoyment quiet enjoyment = 平静行使 pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '06 eng>chi help becomes (or is declared or becomes capable of being declared) due prematurely pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '06 eng>chi are started or other steps taken start legal proceedings = 进行(法律程序), take other steps = 开始办理其他方式的手续 pro closed no
- Dec 6 '06 eng>chi Drawing under the Facility facility = 资金便利 pro closed no
- Nov 26 '06 chi>eng 办理过户登记手续 arrange the (registration and) transfer, make the (registration and) transfer arrangements pro just_closed no
- Oct 22 '06 eng>chi amount due and owning 到期未付于XXX的金额; 未付到期款项 pro closed ok
- Oct 22 '06 eng>chi contemporaneous oral contemporaneous = 同期? pro closed no
- Oct 20 '06 eng>chi witness whereof - 此证明 FYI pro closed no
3 Oct 20 '06 eng>chi serverability severability = “条款效力独立";"独立性(原则)";可分割性 pro closed no
- Oct 20 '06 eng>chi assigns assignees = 受托人 pro closed no
- Oct 20 '06 eng>chi supply ans service agreement ? pro closed no
- Oct 19 '06 chi>eng 此项 this (legal) matter,代替 '所有涉及本意向书的货款交易,包括完成所有法律文件手续 pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '06 chi>eng 逐级上报 report step-by-step according to the jurisdictional hierarchy pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '06 eng>chi set forth formal for 'set out' pro closed no
- Oct 19 '06 eng>chi override and/or supercede override = 使失效? pro closed ok
- Oct 18 '06 chi>eng 原则指导性文件 上述货款交易的原则指导性文件 -> 上述货款交易原则的指导性文件 pro closed ok
4 Oct 16 '06 chi>eng 迟迟不肯 they take a long time and are reluctant/unwilling (to pay) easy closed no
4 Oct 15 '06 chi>eng 办案手续费 办案 = 办理案件 pro closed no
4 Oct 15 '06 chi>eng 买单 try 付款买单? pro closed no
- Oct 15 '06 chi>eng 希于 希 = hope; 于 = (indicating time or place) in; on; at pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered