Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 16 '09 ita>rus Luchino Visconti Лукино pro closed ok
- Apr 8 '09 rus>eng датироваться X веком dated to the 10th century (AD) pro closed ok
4 Mar 27 '09 rus>eng пляска на костях dance on someone's grave pro closed no
- Oct 30 '08 eng>rus information vulnerability, the flip side of the information dominance coin. уязвимость информации - обратная сторона её власти (господства) pro closed no
4 Oct 28 '08 eng>san death mrtyuh pro closed no
- Oct 28 '08 eng>san eternity Nitya pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '08 rus>eng веси judge pro closed ok
4 Sep 3 '08 eng>rus you can ask her yourself soon очень скоро ты сам сможешь её спросить pro closed no
4 Aug 29 '08 eng>rus "faith" смотрим контекст pro closed no
4 Aug 17 '08 eng>rus devours упивается ролью злодея pro closed no
4 Aug 17 '08 eng>rus Carla's attention in this comedy compete for Carla's attention pro closed no
- Aug 14 '08 eng>rus high - octane street racing Двойной форсаж pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '08 rus>eng тихая гавань quiet haven pro closed no
- Jul 11 '08 eng>rus "gastronome" or "connoisseur" 1) гурман 2) любитель/ценитель доброго стола pro closed no
4 Jul 11 '08 eng>rus obviously detecting a smell of a matter known to him явно почуяв запах чего-то ему одному известного pro closed no
4 Jul 11 '08 eng>rus I will make myself cozy in a bear barrel Я уютно устроюсь в берлоге pro closed no
4 Jun 20 '08 eng>rus упячка upyacka или upyachka pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '08 eng>lat seize your day carpe diem pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '08 eng>rus recognizing the simplicity of the life with nature Ощутив простоту жизни в единении с природой... pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '08 eng>rus 'third-generation West Point' да pro closed no
- Mar 19 '08 rus>eng шеф-редактор editor-in-chief pro closed no
- Mar 10 '08 eng>rus mindfulness вдумчивость, работа ума pro closed no
4 Mar 9 '08 rus>eng линвострановедение linguistic and cultural studies pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '08 rus>eng что-то ушло вперед, что-то навсегда осталось позади The wolrd has shifted, and something irrecoverable is happening... pro closed no
- Feb 26 '08 eng>rus discipline учение, обряд pro closed no
NP Feb 25 '08 eng>rus Kick the tires оценить качество pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '08 eng>rus I was kind of the third member of the triumvirate. Но в этом триумвирате я был [только] третим. pro closed no
- Feb 11 '08 rus>eng священнослужитель priest pro closed no
- Jan 11 '08 rus>eng хорошая мина при плохой игре make the best of a bad bargain pro closed no
- Dec 24 '07 rus>eng своя рубаха ближе к телу pro closed ok
3 Dec 20 '07 eng>rus he JUST got levelled! Его просто сровняли с землей! pro closed no
- Dec 20 '07 eng>rus He was absolutely rocked! Он просто вырубился, выключился из игры! pro closed ok
3 Dec 20 '07 eng>rus hit приём pro closed no
- Dec 20 '07 eng>rus body checker один из лучших в силовых стычках, контактах pro closed ok
4 Dec 19 '07 eng>eng the ground he walked on she loved him so much that she worshipped even the point where he stepped pro closed no
- Dec 19 '07 eng>eng dating on and off yes, unstable relationships pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '07 eng>eng obsidian sheet of window the window in the dark pro closed no
- Dec 10 '07 rus>eng говорить невпопад (here) interrupting each other; mumbled something, but mostly cried and said nothing pro closed no
- Dec 10 '07 eng>eng Like dragons through knights to break through your foes as fast as dragons usually defeat knights pro just_closed no
4 Nov 29 '07 rus>eng кидок no frauds, no cons pro closed no
- Nov 29 '07 rus>eng кишка тонка He has no guts (to compete with us) pro closed ok
- Nov 29 '07 eng>eng Phrase twin souls pro closed no
4 Nov 27 '07 eng>eng WHo is Oserapis? Serapis pro closed no
- Nov 19 '07 eng>rus why did the dead baby cross the road .. непереводимо pro closed no
- Nov 7 '07 rus>eng создание being, or creature pro closed no
- Nov 7 '07 rus>eng неправильное в моей жизни change that which goes wrong in my life pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '07 rus>eng Утомленные квотами Burnt by the Quotes pro closed no
4 Oct 23 '07 rus>rus уплата / оплата уплата (налога, штрафа) pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '07 eng>rus Dirty English (French, Italian etc) безграмотный английский или английский мат pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '07 eng>rus populated by a unique flora and fauna а сейчас там обитают уникальные виды флоры и фауны pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered