Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 21 '07 rus>eng по первым буквам фамилий from last name initials pro closed ok
- Nov 19 '07 rus>eng в настоящее время -- время рыночных отношений these days, days of / at our time, time of... pro closed no
4 Nov 18 '07 rus>eng совершенно необозрим для человеческого разума [completely] unfathomable by/for human intelligence/intellect pro closed no
- Nov 8 '07 eng>eng unilateral behavior what's wrong with 'resistance to tension only' pro closed no
- Nov 5 '07 eng>eng influence of the different types of A note from a non-native pro closed no
- Nov 5 '07 rus>eng с целью сохранения преемственности и традиций в обозначениях и нумерации [in order] to maintain/preserve the legacy/traditional denotation and numbering pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '07 rus>eng нельзя согласиться с утверждением One can't agree with the statement pro closed no
- Oct 22 '07 rus>eng отводить важное место an important part of the paper is the development .... pro closed no
4 Sep 8 '07 rus>eng допускать неточности some inaccuracies were [inadvertently] introduced pro closed no
4 Aug 31 '07 rus>eng оказывается не в их пользу turned out not to support {them|the results} pro closed no
- Aug 31 '07 rus>eng вычислитель-прикладник a specialist in applied computational mathematics pro closed no
- Aug 31 '07 rus>eng служить подтверждением закономерности возникновения to {support|prove} [the {existence|principle} of] regularity in [the process of] forming pro closed no
- Aug 15 '07 rus>eng не оправдано isn't practical pro closed no
4 Aug 10 '07 rus>eng отражающие в большой мере суть явления largely reflecting the essence of the phenomenon pro closed no
- May 14 '07 rus>eng давать путёвку в научную жизнь to help find (somebody's) way in science pro closed no
- Apr 27 '07 rus>eng изучать самостоятельно to study (something) on one's own pro closed ok
4 Apr 27 '07 rus>eng отпустить в let me tansfer / allow/approve my transfer / allow me to be transferred pro closed no
4 Apr 23 '07 rus>eng с единых позиций from a unified position pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '07 rus>eng способствовать актуальности help staying relevant pro closed no
4 Apr 18 '07 rus>eng становиться основой формирования to become the basis for forming/establishing pro closed no
4 Apr 16 '07 rus>eng по физико-математической секции Physics and Mathematics Division pro closed no
- Apr 10 '07 rus>eng но уже не в..., а в... one more way to say it: pro closed ok
- Mar 23 '07 rus>eng уже не полностью... и еще только частично please see below pro closed ok
4 Feb 25 '07 rus>eng повторять результаты repeat the results pro closed no
- Feb 21 '07 rus>eng перешагивать границы expand across borders pro closed no
4 Feb 20 '07 rus>eng Здесь, очевидно, ещё надо... Here we apparently also need... pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '07 rus>eng устанавливать плоской стороной к to install [with its] flat side towards pro closed no
- Dec 11 '06 eng>eng interfaculty - an adjective? You may want to leave "interfaculty" pro just_closed no
- Dec 11 '06 rus>eng науковед science studies scholars or, just for the context, 'science psychologists' pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '06 rus>eng передавать ... для практического использования provided to ...for practical application pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '06 rus>eng сложен is down OR in collapsed position/is collapsed pro closed no
- Nov 8 '06 rus>eng Можно и наоборот a couple more options pro closed no
- Oct 31 '06 rus>eng командный, командность skip it pro closed no
- Oct 31 '06 rus>eng условно, условность nominally pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '06 rus>eng ознаменовано чрезвычайным ростом интереса marked with extraordinary increase in interest pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '06 rus>eng изменяться мало ... несколько больше ...variations are small .... a little/somewhat greater pro closed no
- Sep 28 '06 eng>eng is of/on the order of 'of', 'on', or 'in' - it's just better to use the same preposiiton in both cases pro closed ok
4 Sep 26 '06 rus>eng возможность достаточно полного учета (Advantages of the method:) provides for adequate accounting for .... pro closed no
- Sep 15 '06 rus>eng актуальность и современность relevance and modernity pro closed ok
4 Sep 5 '06 rus>eng тележка cart pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '06 rus>eng известно, что ... должен быть обязательно ... it is known that.... must always be pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '06 rus>eng условно represented as pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '06 rus>eng Учитывая современное состояние и развитие..., весьма эффективным является... Given the current state of knowlege and the method being well developed... pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '06 rus>eng если для XX вывод имеет теоретическое значение, то для YY - еще и практическое see below pls. pro closed ok
- Aug 3 '06 rus>eng обоснование достоверности и точности to veryfy validity and accuracy pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '06 rus>eng призванный отразить специфику used / brought in / designed... pro closed ok
4 Jul 31 '06 rus>eng следуя логике, нет оснований... Тем более нет оснований Logically, there is no reason... There is even less reason... pro closed no
- Jul 31 '06 rus>eng существует мнение, что ... явно угаданы there is/exists an opinion that ... were [apparently] a result of a lucky guess pro closed ok
- Jul 31 '06 rus>eng достаточно предметная критика specific enough critique pro closed no
- Jul 31 '06 rus>eng можно наметить следующий the algorithm can be outline as follows: pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered