Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 25 '11 eng>ara stand the harsh light of day قادر على مواجهة الواقع المتردي ... pro open no
4 Jan 22 '11 ara>eng الباب الذي تأتي منه الريح .. اغلقه واستريح Close the door from which the wind blows and relax pro closed no
4 Nov 1 '10 eng>ara Stay in Character استمر في الدور الذي تلعبه pro closed no
4 Oct 25 '10 eng>ara like sitting ducks in a shooting gallery أصبحنا هدفاً مكشوفاً pro closed ok
4 Oct 12 '10 eng>ara Everyone dies, not everyone lives الكل يموت، ولكن ليس الكل يعيش pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '10 eng>ara put that in your pipe and smoke it أعلى ما في خيلك اركبه pro closed no
4 Jul 1 '10 ara>eng ولكن دوام الحال من المحال Change is the law of life pro closed no
4 Apr 14 '10 eng>ara we go way back نعرف بعضنا بعضا منذ زمن بعيد easy closed no
4 Mar 18 '09 ara>eng جر رجل trick pro closed ok
4 Jan 31 '09 eng>eng A long ten minutes, a long year, a short five minutes, etc... the speaker's personal perception. easy closed no
4 Dec 9 '08 eng>eng to sit the apple stepping up to play at the highest stakes table pro closed no
4 Oct 31 '08 ara>eng هشك بشك trashy music channels pro closed no
- Oct 5 '08 fra>ara "Il va de soi que" من البديهي أن pro just_closed no
- Aug 28 '08 deu>eng Wir backen keine kleinen Brötchen Fresh ideas keep us ahead (of the competition/ in the market) pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '08 deu>eng es sich gemütlich machen enjoy the cosy atmosphere pro closed no
- Jul 15 '08 deu>eng den Nippel durch die Lasche ziehen now for some finishing touches pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '08 deu>eng Gemeinsam läuft es besser Racing ahead together pro closed ok
4 Jun 20 '08 eng>ara already (to express surprise) بهذه السرعة pro closed ok
4 Jun 16 '08 eng>eng whatever flies, you eat One has to take every opportunity in life pro closed no
4 May 16 '08 eng>eng a mouth that made him glad some laws were unenforceable attempt easy closed no
- Apr 28 '08 deu>eng einer wie aus dem Mond gekommen like a man dropped from the moon pro closed ok
4 Apr 28 '08 deu>eng einer wie aus dem Mond gekommen as if he had fallen from the moon pro closed ok
4 Mar 21 '08 deu>eng sich zueinander fügen complement each other pro closed no
4 Feb 16 '08 eng>deu Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes Schießt erst wenn ihr das weiße in ihren augen sehen könnt pro closed no
- Feb 8 '08 eng>ara beat to the bunch يسبق easy closed ok
4 Jan 18 '08 eng>eng word for occurs every other year biennial easy closed no
4 Dec 15 '07 eng>eng I've just about heard of it. heard about it, but not a great deal pro closed ok
4 Nov 29 '07 ara>eng من حفر حفرة لأخيه و قع فيها What goes around comes around pro closed no
- Mar 21 '07 eng>eng 'the right way' vs. 'in the right way' I'd say the original expression was "in the right way" pro just_closed no
4 Mar 8 '07 deu>eng kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen Not one stone ... will be left upon another (Matthew 24:2) pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '07 eng>ara which is usually yesterday وعادة ما يكون ذلك في أسرع وقت ممكن pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '06 eng>ara state of affairs الأوضاع pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '06 deu>eng Preisen die auch Maos Erben Bauchweh bereiten prices which make the sons of Mao shake in their boots pro closed no
4 Nov 7 '06 deu>eng Wer neue Heilmittel scheut muss alte Übel dulden He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils pro closed no
4 Oct 11 '06 eng>ara two-two tranquility lane Address: 22 Tranquility Lane pro closed no
4 Apr 16 '06 eng>ara meet my waterloo ألقى هزيمتي easy closed no
- Mar 13 '06 deu>eng Früher kochte jedes Land sein eignes Süppchen each country "cooked its own soup" pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '06 ara>eng تحب القط خانقها "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen" pro closed no
4 Jan 23 '06 deu>eng Gesundheit ist das höchste Gut Good health - your most valuable asset pro closed no
- Nov 23 '05 deu>eng Auf der Alm gibts ... Succumb to irresistible temptations in the countryside pro closed ok
4 Nov 10 '05 eng>ara aftershave كريم مرطب بعد الحلاقة easy closed ok
4 Oct 30 '05 eng>ara العلاج الوظيفي occupational therapy easy closed no
- Apr 23 '05 deu>eng nicht die Rede sein although 'steps' is hardly the right word pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '05 deu>eng schlicht und ergreifend simply and decidedly pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '05 deu>eng Traue jedem immer alles zu Expect anything of everybody pro closed ok
4 Feb 21 '05 deu>eng Redewendung When the going gets tough pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '05 deu>eng Gott gib Hirn / Gott lass Hirn regnen While God is raining brains, are we holding umbrellas? pro closed ok
3 Jan 23 '05 por>eng deixar o seu nome falar mais baixo maintain a low profile pro closed no
4 Dec 22 '04 deu>eng Um nicht auf der Strecke zu bleiben muss man gelegentlich vom Wege kommen "He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints" pro closed no
4 Dec 20 '04 deu>eng "Ein Weg entsteht, indem man ihn geht" A path is made by walking pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered