Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 14 fas>eng طوفان سخت خواسته ها و حوادث fierce storm of desires and events pro open no
- Sep 14 '23 eng>fas chuckles of recognition با تشخیص خندیدند pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '23 eng>fas جات خالی Missing/missed you pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '22 fas>eng تولد تو که سپتامبر است، خیلی مانده. there is still a long way to your September birthday pro closed no
- Sep 8 '21 eng>fas eat ramen noodles گشنه پلو خوردن pro closed ok
- Aug 7 '21 fas>eng رقم دار itemized/numbered/enumerated pro open no
- Jul 10 '21 fas>eng پدرسوخته SOB/you SOB pro closed ok
4 Apr 17 '21 fas>eng بچه‌ام را از سر راه نیاورده‌ام که my child/baby was not left/found on the church steps pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 '21 fas>eng یا قوزون قبائل خودت چنبلغوش کن Oh lawd leh yo’ holy ‘n rightschus woud be done pro closed no
4 Jan 27 '21 fas>eng برای صبح شدن به خورشید و خنده‌های باد نیاز نیست Morning's arrival needs neither sun nor wind's laughter pro closed ok
4 May 20 '20 fas>eng صدای بم و خش‌دار a deep, scratchy voice pro closed ok
4 May 20 '20 fas>eng حرمتی چنانکه باید پیش پدربزرگم نداشتند they did not have the proper respect from my grandfather pro closed ok
4 May 18 '20 fas>eng خسارات جانی و مالی فراوانی به مردم وارد شد people incurred extensive loss of life and property damage pro closed ok
4 Dec 3 '19 fas>eng لقب معمار بنای کج سینمای ایران را به او دادند they call him the architect of the wobbly/skewed/crooked foundation of Iranian cinema pro closed no
- Dec 3 '19 fas>eng الهی به من ان ده God, grant me what is good pro closed ok
4 Aug 19 '17 fas>eng مو لای درزش نمی رود set in concrete pro closed no
4 May 16 '16 fas>eng به شعله سپردن I consigned (it) to the flames pro closed no
- Mar 14 '16 fas>eng عالم قدسی و ماورایی the sacred world and the world beyond pro closed ok
- Feb 2 '16 fas>eng خونه ای ایلاتی از اییلاق تا قشلاقه. nomadic seasonal tribal house pro closed ok
4 Dec 22 '15 fas>eng تاهستم و هست دارمش دوست as long as she/he and I exist, I will love her/him pro closed no
- Dec 18 '15 fas>eng گرفتار رسوم دست و پاگیر شدن get caught up/stuck/tied up in cumbersome customs pro closed no
2 Dec 7 '15 fas>eng خرم pleasant/cheerful pro closed no
- Dec 6 '15 eng>fas want mules for daughters همه ما قاطر به عنوان دختر می‌خواهیم، مگه نه؟ pro closed ok
4 Dec 6 '15 eng>fas to find her less than perfect طوری به ما نگاه می‌کرد انگار که ما جرات نداریم او را کمتر از بی نقص بدانیم pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '15 eng>fas Lakwet very little girl pro closed ok
4 Dec 4 '15 eng>fas take down شکار کردن pro closed ok
3 Dec 2 '15 eng>fas Wrestling totos کشتیگیری با بچه‌ها pro closed ok
4 Nov 29 '15 eng>fas was D to me به عنوان دی می‌شناختیم اش pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '15 eng>fas forging or honing آهن ورزی یا تیر کاری pro closed ok
- Nov 24 '15 fas>fas حرفو بک جا بزنم where can I express my words pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '15 fas>eng هرکه باران باشد، روی چشم همه پنجره ها جا دارد whatever rain may be is welcome on all windows pro closed no
4 Sep 24 '15 fas>eng زندون نبود prison pro closed no
- Sep 24 '15 fas>eng بد عادتم بکن get me into bad habits pro just_closed no
4 Sep 23 '15 fas>eng خو بگیره get cozy/comfortable with someone pro closed ok
3 Sep 23 '15 fas>eng هم قسم partner in vow pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '15 fas>eng هوات را کرده pining for you pro closed ok
4 Sep 23 '15 fas>eng پایت ریختم lay something at someone's feet pro closed ok
4 Sep 20 '15 fas>eng رنج و عذابه pain and suffering pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '15 fas>eng ضد ضرب counter strike pro just_closed no
4 Aug 20 '15 fas>eng از کنار هر کس I will kill whoever lets it get past/by him pro closed ok
4 Aug 13 '15 fas>eng چشم ازکسی برگرفتن averted her eyes from... pro closed no
4 Aug 7 '15 fas>eng پشم و پیلی powerless/impotent pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '15 fas>eng سایه کسی روی سر کس دیگری بودن to have someone watching out for someone else pro closed ok
- Aug 5 '15 fas>eng صدایش خفگی می گرفت (the resonance) of his voice started to choke up pro closed ok
4 Aug 5 '15 fas>eng برگشتین به حرفهای من Now you're saying what I said before. pro closed no
3 Jun 11 '15 fas>eng به من حق بدهید you will have to agree with me pro closed ok
- Jun 11 '15 fas>eng خوشی زیر دلتون زده. had too much of a good thing pro closed ok
4 Jun 11 '15 fas>eng زرق و برق و چین و دانتل glitter and glitz, ruffles and lace pro closed ok
- Jun 12 '15 fas>eng یک رگ کوچک گرفته باشد a small (muscle) sprain/strain pro open no
- Jun 10 '15 fas>eng زنگی دلهره آور panic inspiring ring pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered