Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 18 '20 eng>fra postolats of God's sacrifice les postulats du sacrifice de Dieu easy closed ok
4 Oct 30 '18 eng>eng expand my labors as far and wide as possible to work in as many directions as possible pro closed ok
4 Nov 14 '17 eng>fra We cannot read hearts nous ne pouvons lire dans les coeurs easy closed no
4 Oct 19 '17 fra>eng libre sépulture free sepulchre pro closed no
4 Apr 19 '16 eng>eng the reality of the terror for the wicked the concrete consequences for the wicked pro closed ok
4 Apr 18 '16 eng>eng fully comprehend the pattern understand how his life is organised/planned pro closed ok
4 Apr 18 '16 eng>eng Notably what is to be noted easy closed ok
- Mar 4 '15 eng>fra stopping short ils n'ont pas su aller jusqu'à .... pro closed ok
4 May 14 '12 eng>eng we fell from God we were separated from God pro closed no
4 May 3 '12 eng>eng not as a patron to approve it a guardian OR protector pro closed ok
4 Mar 28 '08 eng>fra rebutted not an answer just background pro closed no
- Mar 28 '08 eng>fra relationship evangelism évangélisme personnel pro closed no
- Mar 21 '08 eng>fra yogic yogique pro closed no
- Mar 14 '08 eng>fra those who come next to hi-on the figure ceux qui le suivent - sur le schéma .. pro closed no
4 Mar 4 '08 eng>fra positively promised knowledge votre connaissance absolue de la promesse pro closed no
- Nov 5 '07 eng>fra Turn your scars into stars Tes cicatrices seront tes médailles pro closed ok
- Oct 12 '07 eng>fra proof-texting (recherche du) texte-preuve pro closed ok
- Sep 25 '07 fra>eng jusqu'au bon sens de ceux-ci and even their good judgement pro closed no
- May 31 '07 eng>fra he thought himself into existence se créa par la (simple) pensée pro closed ok
4 May 19 '07 fra>eng la hauteur de la responsabilité the elevated responsibility... pro closed no
- May 12 '07 eng>fra wide-ranging discussions ses analyses approfondies de sujets tels que... pro just_closed ok
- May 11 '07 eng>fra the survival of the fittest la sélection naturelle pro closed ok
4 May 7 '07 eng>fra undermines Budhhism for the common people réduit/diminue l'emprise du bouddhisme dans la population pro closed no
- Apr 25 '07 eng>fra disposal of the deceased le traitement réservé aux morts pro closed no
- Apr 19 '07 fra>eng flotte sur has been fluttering over pro closed no
4 Apr 16 '07 fra>eng consciences emmitouflées muffled consciences pro closed no
- Apr 14 '07 fra>eng Le fouailleur de mauvaise conscience the pricker of consciences pro closed ok
3 Apr 11 '07 eng>fra guruship (GG a défini la nature du) gourou pro closed ok
- Apr 11 '07 eng>fra God's name is his word le nom de dieu est le mot qui le désigne easy closed ok
- Apr 11 '07 eng>fra refreshing simplicity d'une simplicité (bien) appréciable pro closed no
- Apr 4 '07 eng>fra all things are essentially part of each other l'Un comprend le tout easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered