Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 23 '12 esl>eng Recaudo Super y Fondo Health and Pension Charge pro open no
- Sep 2 '12 ita>eng l'importo in linea capitale capital amount pro closed no
- Apr 2 '09 esl>eng diligencia procedure or procedural step easy closed ok
4 Apr 5 '08 ita>eng contratto ad effetti reali Real estate/property agreement pro closed ok
4 Apr 30 '07 fra>eng renonciation a se prevaloir de.... waive the right to claim in the case of ..... pro closed ok
- Apr 24 '07 ita>eng conferimento avente ad oggetto award (of contract) for works or services easy open no
- Oct 13 '06 ita>eng la quale rinuncia alla revisione dei prezzi which forfeits the right to a price review pro closed no
- Aug 31 '06 esl>eng Contrato de Administración por Servicio Service Level Agreement pro closed ok
- May 11 '06 ita>eng mandando al ricorrente and summons the defendant to court within eight days (of this notice) pro closed ok
4 May 9 '06 fra>eng l'exécution ponctuelle et d'une manière continue timely and continuous performance of .... pro closed no
- Oct 17 '05 esl>eng limites del ministerio confiado (VER CONTEXTO) in so far as he does not exceed the (ministerial) limits entrusted to him pro closed ok
- Oct 17 '05 esl>eng alzar y posponer prendas raise or cancel pledges (of collateral) pro closed ok
4 Oct 17 '05 esl>eng (juntas) con derecho a voz y voto (attend meetings) with the right to speak and vote pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '05 esl>eng bajo tal titulo in witness whereof this deed has been executed on..... pro closed no
- Aug 22 '05 ita>eng Compenso variabile e Spese di prodotto sliding remuneration or payment scale and production cost pro closed no
4 Jul 4 '05 ita>eng accordo di prestazione sportiva sporting services agreement pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '05 esl>eng pagar al cliente, como pena convencional, restauradora de daños y prejuicios que to pay the client a normal penalty to compensate for any damage that may be caused in the sum pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '05 fra>eng raison sociale company name/appellation pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered