Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 23 '06 pol>eng limit na rozmowy telefoniczne controlling/monitoring/limiting phone usage (or phone use) pro closed no
- Jul 5 '06 eng>pol sell the person on being open and honest staraj się wytworzyć atmosferę, w której osoba ta będzie szczera i otwarta pro closed no
4 Oct 13 '05 pol>eng osoba wiodąca lead personnel pro closed no
4 Sep 15 '05 eng>pol commercial employee pracownik handlowy pro closed no
- Sep 12 '05 eng>esl what goes around will most definitely come around … backatcha. (porque) el mundo da vueltas pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '05 esl>eng evidencias (it is) obvious that... pro closed no
- Aug 28 '05 pol>eng pozyskanie dofinansowania obtaining additional funds pro closed no
- Aug 18 '05 pol>eng terminowe udostępnianie w portalu wewnętrznym timely publication on intranet site pro closed ok
- Jul 29 '05 eng>esl High Risk Youth Program Programa "Juventud de Alto Riesgo" pro closed ok
4 Jul 21 '05 eng>pol Associate Regulatory Affairs CMC Funkcjonariusz Dzialu Rejestracji Lekow pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '05 eng>pol activity fee oplata dodatkowa pro closed no
- Apr 20 '05 pol>eng sporządzanie i redagowanie pism urzędowych drafting and editing of official correspondence pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '04 pol>eng pracownik ochrony fizycznej II stopnia security guard level two pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '04 pol>eng zarządzenie memorandum pro closed no
- Oct 16 '04 eng>esl hire responsabilities responsabilidades del recien contratado pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered