Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 2 '12 rus>eng Герб РСФСР National Symbol of Soviet Russian Republic pro closed no
- Feb 2 '12 rus>eng волшебник нарисует not even the devil can daub it "for" pro closed no
- Jan 30 '12 rus>eng иезуитский опыт In a manner the Jesuits did it (tyranny and deception by means of craft or guile) pro closed no
- Jan 26 '12 eng>eng if ... were to continue making interpretations, it could fail if Member States continued to speculate further about what went on and was discussed already many ti pro closed no
- Jan 23 '12 eng>eng especially since .. especially when ... pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '12 rus>eng Общественно-политическая газета a general-interest newspaper pro closed no
- Jan 19 '12 eng>eng development outlook toward the questions of intellectual property development expectations towards the concerns of copyright pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '12 eng>eng would not be made to render accounts to give an explanation pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '12 rus>eng по комсомольским путевкам responding to the call of Komsomol orgфтшяфешщ pro closed no
- Jan 11 '12 eng>rus to provide policy leadership устанавливать станарты управления в ведении уголовных дел pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '11 rus>eng разработанность проблемы analyze the scale of available study and solutions for this problem pro closed no
- Jan 7 '11 eng>eng staffed widely in State It wasn't reviewed by professional editors (not enough) pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '10 rus>eng управленец bureaucratic talking heads pro closed no
- Oct 7 '10 eng>eng would certainly most likely their punishment would be strong pro closed no
- Sep 27 '10 rus>eng союзный министр A Member of Council of Ministers pro closed no
- Sep 27 '10 rus>eng союзное государство a Union of States pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '10 rus>eng Что бы хотелось отметить, как наиболее важное This message comes in essential oil throughout the article about... pro closed no
2 Sep 18 '10 rus>eng Book title in Cyrillic Afganistan in a grip of devilish forces pro closed no
- Sep 4 '10 rus>eng требуют определиться с wish to ascertain that Afganistan's future role goes directly to designated projects pro closed no
1 Aug 30 '10 rus>eng Ударная комсомольская стройка Intensive Komsomol building project pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '10 rus>eng за которыми закрепляются to whom the mentioned positions shall be assigned pro closed no
- Jul 23 '10 rus>eng кто бы и как ни прыгал it didn't matter (for him) who champs before the race pro closed ok
- Jun 17 '10 rus>eng какое лицо будет у той силы what sort of features the face of that new power may acquire ? pro closed no
- Apr 3 '10 eng>eng more prayerful than beady more beseeching (with despair written on his face) than suspicious pro closed no
- Mar 23 '10 rus>eng ������ �������� laurel-crowned consummation of that policy pro closed no
- Mar 22 '10 rus>eng религиозности о секуляризме вообще dogmatic approach/attitude towards secularism pro closed no
- Mar 4 '10 eng>eng this people the people's will would -? these people would pro closed ok
- Mar 4 '10 rus>eng творить добро to implement virtuous deeds pro closed no
- Feb 18 '10 rus>eng други своя their own kidney pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '10 rus>eng навстречу великой победе (our) course for a great victory pro closed no
- Feb 5 '10 eng>eng values of performance performance criteria pro closed no
- Jan 28 '10 eng>eng denumciation of the communist terrorists... sweeping denunciation caused by pseudo-religions pro closed no
- Jan 9 '10 eng>rus muddling through дотошная сомнительность ( якобы)/симуляция бурной деятельности pro just_closed no
- Jan 6 '10 eng>eng agency mediation pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '10 rus>eng приоритет the highest level of credibility pro closed no
- Dec 8 '09 eng>eng general rather than universal general right to vote rather than granted suffrage of a citizen pro closed ok
- Jul 28 '09 eng>eng liable to be adopted Council is liable to put under scrutiny easy closed ok
- Jul 22 '09 rus>eng Поставлена на дыбы вся страна when the whole country rears up pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '09 rus>eng А может мы это перенесём we may change dates pro closed no
- Jul 18 '09 rus>eng цель служения отомщена the honour to fight and it's reason are paid back/are quits pro closed no
- Jun 30 '09 rus>eng структурное взаимное дополнение structural interaction and assistance pro closed no
- Jun 24 '09 rus>eng интенсивный и жесткий режим putting the (present) regime in a strict intensive care pro just_closed no
- Jun 6 '09 eng>rus actors акторы pro closed ok
- May 29 '09 eng>rus indicator framework разработать или усовершенствовать схему показателей pro closed ok
- May 23 '09 rus>eng государственник statesman pro closed ok
- May 19 '09 rus>eng а если серьезно, то "там же не дураки сидят" And what, are the chumps just occupying their official positions? pro closed no
- May 19 '09 rus>eng попробуем разгадать вражеский план Let us make an attempt to crack into enemy's intelligence pro closed no
- May 9 '09 eng>rus Mad Max world в мир самовластных заправил pro closed ok
- May 2 '09 eng>rus The world has ever seen когда либо предствших взору мира pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '09 rus>eng самоурезаться has diminished pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered