Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 29 '08 deu>eng ein Ohr am Band haben being tuned into customers' needs pro closed no
- Apr 7 '08 ita>eng da che mondo è mondo ever since the world began pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '08 esl>eng movilizar sentimientos release your feelings and emotions pro closed ok
- May 15 '06 esl>eng una cosa y la contraria that it is and it isn't pro closed no
4 Mar 6 '06 fra>eng pour fixer les esprits focus the mind pro closed ok
4 Feb 7 '06 eng>eng to rub one's courage raw stretched his courage to the limit pro closed no
- Nov 29 '05 fra>eng la pelote n'en finit plus de se défaire The saga shows no sign of ending. pro closed no
- Oct 26 '05 eng>eng from our own (friends come) the arrows beware the enemy within pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '05 fra>eng Les amis de l'heure, il faut en essayer cinquante, pour trouver qu'un seul A friend in need is a friend indeed pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered