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Search results: (1442 matches)
Russian Кризис Если Это ОК, если Вам не надо
платить переводчикам в 30
дней, все налоги по факту
выписки счета (а не
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 15, 2008
Off topic How to say "Mama" in foreign languages In Latvian mamma, māte, māmiņa. Uldis Uldis Liepkalns Dec 12, 2008
Being independent Agency policy updates re: the economy and our rates Yeah, I received a few like [quote]Megan Lehmann wrote: 1. From 1st
January 2009, payment terms will be set at 60 days
end of month. [/quote] And replied that due
to the crises we will schedule deliveries
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 12, 2008
Money matters Late payment EU Laws And relevant National Laws
ments/implementation.htm Uldis
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 12, 2008 job systems Wrong wrong wrong to preclude providers on the basis of which software they use. Cafetrans I don't have Mac myself, but you might want to
read this
thread: And
one of our translators almost always delivering
nearly perfect results uses<
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 8, 2008 job systems Wrong wrong wrong to preclude providers on the basis of which software they use. Fully agree Some of our translators work on Macs or in Linux
and use their fancy CAT tools. No problem at all
as long as they can deliver clean/unclean and TMX
:) In rare cases of problems we usually
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 8, 2008
Business issues Bad business practices I fully understand that We on average spend about two days a month doing
these "free 2 word updates" to some past projects
for our good and regular clients. What I cannot
make out is how they coordinate it betwee
Uldis Liepkalns Dec 3, 2008 suggestions Why I am NOT a Proz member. Please don't see this as a discrimination The measure of vetting postings of non members was
introduced purely with purpose Cialis, Viagra,
Enlargement schemes of you know what, fake Rolexes
and like ads would not be posted on Pro
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 27, 2008
Russian Кризис Хммм Здесь за досрочное гашение
(независимо от суммы)
просто разовая оплата-
около 60 евро и све... :)
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 25, 2008 suggestions Why I am NOT a Proz member. Yes From my experience it often is the case. Actually,
when receiving offers 1/3 of our starting price, I
often and very politely redirect them to -
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 21, 2008 suggestions Why I am NOT a Proz member. Yes, sure If he in the BB has average rating close to five
and there are many
entries. Uldis [quote]Astrid Elke Johnson
wrote: Do you honestly think it is a very good
thing if a new clien
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 21, 2008 suggestions Why I am NOT a Proz member. It happens I can assure you it happens. When if a client is
satisfied with your first job, he will not post
jobs he can give to you on anymore, he
just emails them to you. Saves him time and
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 21, 2008
Money matters Charging VAT from Italy to US Customers? I've never charged VAT on cross-border transactions and had no problems so far with our Taxes. The
only difference between "within EU" and "other
countries" is that in our within-EU invoices we do
mention VAT, but if both Parties are reg
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 17, 2008
Software applications PractiCount Where Trados or other CAT tools wouldn't count Hi Amy, I use it in about all cases where CATs do
not handle the file formats- Practicount counts in
a heap of file formats, say in genuine PDFs, html
and many more. Also it will count tex
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 14, 2008
Software applications PractiCount Practicount and Vista I have to say it is not the case- in September all
our computers were struck by lightning and I had
to replace them by new ones- all running Vista. No
problems at all with Practicount- wor
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 13, 2008 job systems Is it ethical/allowed to close a job early? But of course Actually you just HAVE TO close your job posting
as soon as you've assigned it- to save yourself
from receiving more applications and applicants
from wasting time sending them to
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 11, 2008
Russian Ваша моральная и духовная поддержка требуется Юрию Смирнову Hi Vitaly I'm online with Marius in Skype. Please don't get
him wrong. What he wanted to propose was some
cheaper way to transfer- e.g. for the transfer to
the Bank you gave me today just as a trans
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 10, 2008
Safe computing Spyware on ('No.') But then Kaspersky does And ,IMHO, Kaspersky is the best (though indeed
most paranoiac of them all :)
). Uldis [quote]lexical
wrote: [quote]Andrew wrote: It seem (sic)
McAfee just doesn't like Pro
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 10, 2008
Russian Ваша моральная и духовная поддержка требуется Юрию Смирнову Requisites Hi Vitali, please send them to me to
uldis_at_tulko_dot_lv. TIA, Uldis [quote]
Vitali Stanisheuski wrote: Появилась
возможность принимать
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 9, 2008
Russian Появилась в Кудозе интересная тенденция... Да И, кроме конкуренции, там
почти каждый знает всех
остальных лично (если не
встречались в жизни, то
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 8, 2008
Russian Появилась в Кудозе интересная тенденция... BTW В меньших языковых парах
тема этой ветви вообще не
проблема- там даже
радикально другие ответы
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 7, 2008
Money matters Alternatives to PayPal? I've been through these "security checks" both in Moneybookers and Paypal I agree that they are cumbersome, illogical and so
on (Say, I cannot open an account- or get a
mortgage credit- which I have in the Bank to which
to I withdraw my money to) on a bases of a
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 7, 2008
Trados support TagEditor target file can not be saved as the source *.doc file contains unaccepted changes It may help some of you- the Subj. TagEditor
message drove me crazy (I had to urgently deliver
few large and important files) and sure I accepted
and rejected all changes in the source fil
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 6, 2008
Trados support MS word and TRADOS clean up Cleaning in MS Word (I guess you need Trados to be installed to do
this): Go to: Tools-Macro- Macros and scroll
down to t4winClean.Main and press Run. Please
be sure to do this with a copy of your file,
Uldis Liepkalns Nov 4, 2008
Trados support Plug-ins / InDesign files in SDL Trados 2007 SP1 I will not argue with Jerzy as he's far bigger authority on the Trados than
me, however one reason Trados (I have 7.56)
wouldn't save targets for some file formats is not
the absence of plugins (yes, error messages
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 30, 2008
Business issues Comments on the Professional Guidelines I say [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: What say you?
[/quote] Please see my comment "Ad Absurdum" in
a releted
We can discuss these Command
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 27, 2008 suggestions Partial endorsement of Guidelines Ad absurdum [quote]mediamatrix wrote: If I were running a
translation company (which I am not...) I would
also be unhappy with the item that
reads: [quote]The Guidelines say: do not
directly co
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 27, 2008
Russian Ваша моральная и духовная поддержка требуется Юрию Смирнову Get well soon Yuri! Waiting to chat again with you! Uldis Uldis Liepkalns Oct 26, 2008
Latvian Dīvainie, smieklīgie un šķībie/greizie/nepareizie tulkojumi Joki ta joki bet jau kādu mēnesi ir
t# Starp latviešu-leišu, latviešu- somu
darbojas tā neko- protams, gramatikas nekādas,
bet saprast v
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 21, 2008
Money matters Is it normal for agencies to pay by the reduced source word? Not so good news for those working in major language pairs It
even translates fully understandably between such
languages as Finnish and Latvian... and I'm told
it functions not on bases of computer tran
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 20, 2008
Money matters Is it normal for agencies to pay by the reduced source word? Hi Astrid, if you would send me your email address to
uldis_at_tulko_dot_lv , I'll send you that Excel
template. It really speeds calculations up when
Trados discounts are concerned. I have seen
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 20, 2008
Money matters Is it normal for agencies to pay by the reduced source word? Trados discounts? Hi Astrid, maybe these are "assumed words" some
clients use in order to calculate Trados rates? I
too do- it is done in Excel table automatically
calculating and it quite eases these ca
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 20, 2008 suggestions Partial endorsement of Guidelines Re: Partial endorsement of Guidelines Hi Samuel, reading this Subject I remembered
Russian proverb on being "slightly" (or "a little
bit") pregnant :) Uldis

plkst. 2008-10-19 16:45]
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 19, 2008 Translator Coop To be or not to be (a full member) It was not intended to be personal as we see this reasoning often enough - at least
monthy. [quote]Rad Graban wrote: What is
indescent about asking what do I get for my money?
[/quote] Sure, nothing indecent in it, m
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 19, 2008 Translator Coop To be or not to be (a full member) Yes Astrid, "Decency" is the word There are tens of thousands on non paying members
on and that's fully OK by me. But when
some of them publicly proudly boast "why the heck
should I spend a cent on this Site fi
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 19, 2008 job systems If my English is too poor to be understood? Clear Your job posting is fully clear, just some people
don't bother to read before quoting. Uldis
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 17, 2008
Latvian Moneybookers problēmas [quote]Freimanis wrote: Stāsts pagarš un sāk
jau aizmirsties, bet īss izklāsts varētu būt
šāds. Pirms n-tiem mēnešiem pienāca
Moneybookers e-pasts par kaut kādu limitu
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 17, 2008
Russian кто придумывает такую ерунду? Это общая боль Прошу Вас, подайте Support Request
по этому поводу. К
сожалению, есть вопросы,
где голоса модераторов не
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 17, 2008
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Аж страшно представить себе 16-дюймовую винтовку...
:)))))))))))))))) Uldis [quote]Oleg Delendyk
wrote: ...будет выглядеть как
16-дюймовая винтовка рядом �
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 17, 2008
Latvian ITĀĻU - LATVIEŠU ONLINE VĀRDNĪCA Man kolēģis nupat ziņoja, ka kaut kas tomēr esot
x Uldis
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 15, 2008
Software applications Adobe Reader - can't download. PDF-XChange PDF Viewer I suggest PDF-XChange PDF Viewer. It's free and
you can annotate PDFs with
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 14, 2008
Off topic Many Happy returns to our Enrique! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, querido Enrique! Best
Regards, Uldis
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 13, 2008 technical support Is there an inexpensive way of adding a digital signature to a document? PDF-XChange PDF Viewer PDF-XChange PDF Viewer
-Products-Ltd-PDF-XChange-PDF-Viewer.html It's
free. I d
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 13, 2008 job systems Advice on Test Translations One more recent thread Uldis Uldis Liepkalns Oct 9, 2008 suggestions Who selects payment method/terms? Wrong paradigm on Proz job posting I'm afraid the situation will become even worse- just today I
got to know about It
translates directly from almost any to any
language (without fir
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 4, 2008
Russian Компутеры... Интересный материал- один
компутер написал статю,
другой перевел, научный
журнал опубликовал... куда
Uldis Liepkalns Oct 1, 2008
Russian TO3000 revisited Другой вопрос Natalie, насколько Ты говорила,
Ты используешь Касперский,
а он с ZoneAlarm несовместим-
мне пару месяцев назад<
Uldis Liepkalns Sep 30, 2008
Software applications Word count PowerPoint 2007 Are you sure? Powerpoint often has headers/footers/ notes that
you can find only if you especially look for them.
Besides, I once encountered Powerpoint file, which
on one of the slides had imported Exc
Uldis Liepkalns Sep 30, 2008
Software applications Problems with ABBY FineReader 8.0 Professional Edition In Finereader Draw a recognition area with the text recognition
tool, then right click on it and go to Properties.
There from "Text orientation" tab (dropdown menu)
choose the properties for the concret
Uldis Liepkalns Sep 27, 2008
Software applications Convert pdf (bit maps) text into word doc You have to use Finereader or like program, capable recognising image as a
text. I can help you with the concrete file, if
you'd email it to me- Uldis
Uldis Liepkalns Sep 26, 2008

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