Italian to Arabic » Art/Literary

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All Time

1: Nadia Ayoub
Reg: Feb 18 '08
2: Hussein Abulela
Reg: Feb 14 '14 / Mem: Nov 20 '17
3: Ouadoud
Reg: Feb 2 '01
4: Barbara Faltas
Reg: Aug 3 '18 / Mem: May 30 '19
5: Alshimaa Sakr
Reg: Oct 6 '08 / Mem: Dec 15 '17
6: Hebat-Allah El Ashmawy
Reg: Feb 28 '06
7: mona elshazly
Reg: Oct 27 '03 / Mem: Nov 30 '16
8: Marcelle Nassif
Reg: Feb 29 '04
Point totals shown are for (non-PRO) and PRO level questions.
Listing order is determined by pro point total only
Member's names are clickable - but only in working pairs