Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 15 '21 fra>eng repas de l'amitié friendly feasts pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '19 rus>eng под сырной коркой salmon au gratin pro closed ok
- May 14 '18 rus>eng Коренная москвичка Native Moscovite pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '18 fra>eng cuisine précieuse meticulous / with great attention to detail pro closed no
- Apr 19 '17 rus>eng насаживать на ось pierce the top tier with the center dowel pro open no
- Apr 12 '16 ita>eng ne è rimasta contagiata has not remained untouched pro closed ok
- Apr 12 '16 rus>eng раскрутить блин swirl the batter pro closed ok
4 Oct 13 '15 rus>eng заложило уши Her ears got blocked/clogged/plugged (up) pro closed no
4 Oct 13 '15 rus>eng Вот эта девушка снова. - ***! - There's that girl again running amok! -- You dumb f*@k! pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '15 rus>eng заготовка Pre-prepped food/meals pro closed no
- Oct 8 '15 rus>eng уже с молодых лет Even among young people pro closed no
- Sep 30 '15 rus>eng Сразу тогда получите "Go ahead, make my day!" pro closed no
4 Oct 1 '15 fra>eng induction psycholinguistique psycholinguistic inferences pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '15 rus>eng Шавки, собачки Grunts? Peons? pro closed no
- Sep 28 '15 rus>eng Продули вы их? Did you breathalyze them? pro closed no
- Mar 31 '15 fra>eng Il faut que je goûte à ta sauce I'll have to try some of your special sauce pro closed ok
- Nov 18 '14 ita>eng non può mai mancare il caffè espresso in ogni sua sfumatura don't leave without tasting all of the variations of the espresso pro closed ok
3 Nov 3 '14 rus>eng машину слегка заносит вправо the car pulls/drifts slightly to the right pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '14 rus>eng Специалист в области арбитражного права Specialist in arbitration law pro just_closed no
- Oct 21 '14 rus>eng переходить на "ты" get friendly with /get to know (better) / get acquainted with pro closed no
3 Jan 21 '14 fra>eng jouer les rebelles d'un soir for a bad girls' night out pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '14 fra>eng saisies input/entry pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '14 fra>eng Plafond UF liability for unauthorized charges/fraudulent use: 0 pro closed ok
2 Jan 22 '14 fra>eng fière de l’être (sexy and) proud of it easy closed ok
- Oct 22 '13 fra>eng s'approprient les obstacles transform the urban fabric into an obstacle course pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '13 fra>eng casseur d’emplois job cutter pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '13 rus>eng рвать шаблон break the (social) script pro closed ok
- Dec 21 '12 rus>eng пройти конкретные процедуры What exactly does X have to do in order to obtain permit Y pro just_closed no
- May 29 '12 rus>eng "За формирование здорового образа жизни на предприятии" for promoting wellness in the workplace pro closed ok
- May 7 '12 rus>eng фактурная топ-модель Striking supermodel pro closed ok
4 May 7 '12 rus>eng доступность многими видами связи easily reached/accessible through various means of communication pro closed no
- May 2 '12 rus>eng со мной плодотворно занимались As a child, I got a lot of quality time with my family. pro closed no
- Apr 24 '12 rus>eng полтора миллина рублей! one and a half million rubles easy closed no
- Mar 28 '12 fra>eng base de loisirs activity park easy closed no
- Feb 6 '12 ita>eng riacutizzazione psicotica an acute psychotic episode pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '12 ita>eng dottoressa in economia with a degree in Economics pro closed no
- Jul 27 '11 rus>eng Ау Фрейд! Paging Dr. Freud! pro closed no
- Mar 3 '11 rus>eng права на выбросы (парниковых газов) pollution credits pro closed ok
4 Jan 21 '10 rus>eng очаги загрязнения почв pockets of soil contamination pro closed ok
4 Jan 18 '10 rus>eng сократить работы на год The (research) project was cut short by a year pro closed no
- Jan 19 '10 fra>eng en basket sneakers easy closed ok
4 Nov 25 '09 fra>eng mention légale legal notice pro closed no
4 Nov 17 '09 fra>eng modalités d’application de la T.V.A how the VAT is applied pro closed no
- Nov 9 '09 rus>eng публицистическое чутье a nose for news pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '09 ita>eng chi ha qualche chilo in più women with a few extra pounds pro closed no
- Jun 17 '09 rus>eng Продукт предназначен для детей с 3-х лет и взрослых. This product is not intended for children under 3 (years of age). pro closed ok
- May 25 '09 rus>eng полемические заметки contoversial articles/ writings pro closed ok
2 May 19 '09 rus>eng наложение отключаемых и не отключаемых субтитров adding removable and non-removable subtitles pro closed ok
4 May 18 '09 rus>eng уточнить о каких документах, не прошедших проверку Please specify which documents, not checked by AAA, you are referring to. pro closed no
- Apr 2 '09 rus>eng замыкать шестерку лидеров In sixth place is/ ranking number six is pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered