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Search results: (112 matches)
Romanian Ponturi privitoare la pretul pe o subtitrare Bună seara, stimați "prozieni",... după mai
multe luni de absență de pe aceste
(sub-)forumuri. :) M-am încumetat, iată, după
șapte ani de pro bono, să purced în a subtitra
SilviuM Nov 14, 2012
Romanian "Cu cine am de-a face"- cum se tălmăcesc aceste cuvinte?? O mana de-ajutor... neatestata Buna dimineata! Daca e pentru engleza (e.g.,
americana), atunci probabil ca aveti: Speaker
1: 'This time, because *I* (se trece cu italice,
de fapt) have no idea (la fel si puteti tr
SilviuM Jan 10, 2010
Romanian Cum se mai scriu numeralele cardinale fff mari la TV, lately... Buna dimineata! Chiar m-am intrebat deunazi
asta. :( Si am observat ca... punctul de
separatie a miilor (nu e vorba de ani!) a disparut
complet, lasand loc... spatiului. :) Ex.: 1 000
SilviuM Jan 10, 2010
Romanian Ştecher sau ştecăr Oarece stranietate... Buna dimineata, "ProZieni"! :) Intradevar, e
oarecum straniu, insa cred ca academicienii nostri
"academizati" (zic asta deoarece au mai si debitat
niste elucubratii, lately...) au dorit
SilviuM Jan 10, 2010
Romanian Fir despre cărţi Lit. (post-)vedica any1? :-) Buna seara! A citit careva pana acum
"[b]Mahabharata[/b]" si/sau "[b]Ramayana[/b]"? :-)
Eu, unul, am inceput "[b]Mahabharata[/b]" de
cateva zile si mai am ultimele doua
SilviuM Mar 31, 2009
Literature / Poetry Isn't it absurd to equire a CAT tool to translate a poem?! CAT translating poems :-P Good evening! Indeed, using a CAT tool for
translating and literary adapting a poem is...
ridiculous. Without *solid* knowledge on the
literary techniques (not to mention on the verse
SilviuM Mar 31, 2009
Romanian Umor românesc neaoş Florin pErsic despre "Dotatu' din Resita" si Com. Moldovan despre maini curate :P "Dragii mei, iubitii mei!.. Daca nu ma prezenta
Ramona, aici, asa, nu ma stia nici dracu', ma!
[...] Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca (pe Mos
Craciun)!.." =)) (de la 4:51)
SilviuM Jan 6, 2009
Romanian Folclorul moldovInIesc... :P [...] Sincer, nu mă pre deu în vant după el,
da'... şineva mi-a şierut să-i fac o adaptare
pentru "[b]Capra[/b]" în en., aşa că am
acşieptat provocaţiunea. :P Pentru şe-i? Pă
SilviuM Jan 6, 2009
French "Une meilleur 2009!" et requette pour votre aide :-) Merci pour... ... RIEN, Bruno! P.S. Je m'appelle Silviu, non
Sylviu. :)

[Editat la 2009-01-05 16:52 GMT]
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Off topic New year With lateness... (English) A BETTER 2009 I wish to you
all! (Romanian) Un MAI BUN 2009 vă doresc
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Professional development Study comparison Unanswerable? :-) Well, it seems that I asked the question and that
the Prozians just can find the answer for it...
Anyway, it's kinda late now for it. Thanks!
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Why are translators called linguists? Cosmeticising the vocab... again :-) It appears that Carlin was right: we are so
desperate of our own ugliness that we thus try to
conceal it by cosmeticising language / vocabulary
in any way thinkable and unthinkable! So,
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Romanian din nou Paypal Nespecialist isi da cu parerea... :P Buna dimineata! Din punctul MEU de vedere (ie,
de nespecialist), avand in vedere cate am AUZIT (a
se remarca hilarul din "vedere" si "auz"), PayPal
e o mare, mare, MAAARE... intelegeti.
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Romanian Despre browsere şi alte programe Boala veche... In primul rand, NU inteleg de ce mai discutam
macar despre [b]Internet Explorer[/b]! :)
Aceasta... "[i]app[/i]" e un mare JAF! :) De ce?
Fiindca cei de la "[b]Microsoft Inc.[/b]" si-au
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Romanian Verificator ortografic exclusiv pentru romana?!! :-) Buna dimineata! Ma intreb daca a auzit careva
despre vreun verificator de ortografie pentru
limba romana exclusiv, in ultima vreme... :-) Ca
eu, nu. :-P De ce am nevoie de el? Nu din c
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
French "Une meilleur 2009!" et requette pour votre aide :-) Bon dimanche, mes amis! D'abord, je voudrais
vous souhaiter tout un meilleur 2009! Pourquoi
"meilleur"? Parceque je suis réaliste. En second
lieu, je voudrais demander votre aide pour
SilviuM Jan 5, 2009
Romanian Asociatia Traducatorilor Profesionisti Muma Tuturor Asociatiilor! :-))) [quote]Big Ben wrote: Eu am de gind sa
infiintez Asociatia Tuturor Asociatiilor
Traducatorilor din Romania!:) Asa ca va urez spor
la infiintat asociatii! Cind aveti ceva clar va
SilviuM Dec 8, 2008
Professional development Study comparison Fellow Prozians, I've returned [i]hic et
nunc[/i] with a slightly more difficult matter to
attend to: a study on language. Here's the story:
a friend of mine (i.e., English native spea
SilviuM Dec 8, 2008
Being independent None of my business? No names! Yes, I agree, NO NAMES! You should urge them to
delete your name from the by-line. Or maybe they
don't have such a thing for their site
presentation; I don't think so, no. And, of
SilviuM Oct 31, 2008
Being independent None of my business? A world of... "It works just the same"... :P Well, I'm NO Chinese, but... rudeness is one
quality that's present like... everywhere, you
know. :) Now, of course they've sent you this
message. To twarth you harshly from your
SilviuM Oct 29, 2008
Romanian Ca să vă mai descreţiţi frunţile D'ale lui Seinfeld, George, Elaine si, nu in ultimul rand, d'ale "Omului - K."! :P *
Jerry (to the Desk Manager): "You don't just have
to TAKE the reservation, you also have to HOLD the
reservation..." :P * Jerry (as Krame
SilviuM Oct 29, 2008
Off topic Yuri Smirnov needs your prayer and support Highly doubtful in his recovery I don't know who Mr. Smirnov is, but he is a human
being nonetheless AND our colleague... although I
don't have certification and/or nor authorisation.
So, I wish him well and VERY MUCH go
SilviuM Oct 28, 2008
Artificial languages Studying alien languages Translation nanites prenatally As in [i]Farscape[/i], we should all have
translation nanites implanted prenatally. :D And,
as you're on it, if you like, we could debate this
further on what I have come to call "the lan
SilviuM Oct 28, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Your favorite words in your languages Great thread, strange idea Well, I gotta hand it to you, this IS a great
thread, but it's also a... strange idea, sorta.
:) Hm, my fav. word in Romanian... That's a tough
one! :P I think it's... "[i](a) analiza[
SilviuM Oct 28, 2008
Romanian D'alde literarului si cinefilicului :-) Varian Fry... [quote]Ioana Costache wrote: Am prins din
"Varian's War" exact informaţiile de la final, un
fel de rezumat al activităţilor protagonistului.
"Valor" era tradus ca "valoare", iar "Rig
SilviuM Oct 28, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Advice on translation theory If you're into subtitling... Hey, Undertow! Well, I can't offer you any
detailed info concerning book translations, BUT if
you're into subtitling, then I can tell you
this: a) Regarding non-native language humou
SilviuM Oct 28, 2008
Romanian D'alde literarului si cinefilicului :-) De ce acest TIP de topic? Fiindca mi se pare
important sa avem si asa ceva, mai ales
aici. Deci, ce ati mai citit si vizionat? Eu,
unul, tocmai am terminat de citit "Stralucirea"
SilviuM Oct 25, 2008
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? Traducatori cu 12 clase de mana a 7-a [quote]macovei2000 wrote: oare cum se poate sa
existe acesti traducatori cu 12 clase? in mod
normal, juridic si legal ar fi sa ai facultate ca
sa ocupi postul de traducator asta
SilviuM Oct 25, 2008
Romanian Hal(al) de limba romana Contra soc. com. de traduceri - interpretari? [quote]macovei2000 wrote: [quote]A tranzla sau
a nu tranzla, aceasta e întrebarea...
[/quote] Intrebarea pe care si-o pune orice
traducator autorizat de bun simt este a primi
SilviuM Oct 22, 2008
Romanian Hal(al) de limba romana Profesionalismul... [quote]elvira_d wrote: @ SilviuM: felicitări
pentru fair-play. instabilitatea ortografică a
expresiei mot-a-mot este dată de faptul că, la
ultima numărătoare, avea două variante
SilviuM Oct 21, 2008
Romanian Traducatorii romani si asigurarile lor profesionale Este interesant de stiut... Sper ca si alti colegi sa ne impartaseasca din
experienta lor pe acest subiect. Va multumesc.
SilviuM Oct 21, 2008
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? "tradus" vs "adaptat" [quote]elvira_d wrote: [quote]SilviuM wrote:
cred ca s-ar fi adaptat mai bine ca si
"[b][i]Chivotul Legamantului[/b][/i]".
[/quote] nup. s-ar fi [b]tradus[/b] cu chivotul
SilviuM Oct 20, 2008
Romanian Hal(al) de limba romana Pardon de mot-a-mot / motamo :-) [quote]elvira_d wrote: @SilviuM: foarte bine
că-ţi exprimi nemulţumirile, dar pierzi din
vedere un lucruşor: ardelenii nu-s scoţieni şi
moţii nu-s highlander-i. de fapt, discutia
SilviuM Oct 20, 2008
Romanian Traducatorii romani si asigurarile lor profesionale Bun - (re-)gasit, stimati colegi! Am o
intrebare de fond pentru d-voastra: Cum e cu
asigurarile d-voastra profesionale? Ce probleme
intampinati? La ce sa ma astept daca vreau sa-mi
SilviuM Oct 20, 2008
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? Chesti(uni)... ortografice Intr-adevar, poate nu vom mai avea mereu parte de
virgule antepuse lui "care" si/sau lui "(ca) sa".
SilviuM Aug 22, 2008
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Subtitling - basic principles Subtitles' summarisation I do not agree with it for one single and SIMPLE
(e.g., well, complex, actually) reason: it leads
to... beepee adaptations. :D I mean, without such
beepee adaptations, you wouldn't have to
SilviuM Aug 16, 2008
Artificial languages Tongues of Reason and Wisdom - Eunoia, Kimeran and Vulcan Logicalness Logicalness is something relative in our world, I
know. If it weren't, our to date history would've
been MUCH different. :D But still, is it logical
to have fictional tongues aka "conlangs
SilviuM Aug 14, 2008
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? Gresitii nostri... (...) Din pacate, NU dau inapoi! :P De ce ar da?
Totul in numele... "profesionalismului"... de
banda rulanta! Nu mai zic de punctuatia care le e
varza. O fi si a mea, da' cel putin eu nu c
SilviuM Aug 14, 2008
Business issues How many hours to edit a 200 pages translation? A very simple answer... (...) Is this: It depends on how fast you are at
typing. :)
SilviuM Aug 14, 2008
Linguistic diversity The English article Fellow Prozians, Is it true that native English
language speakers have problems with the
"[i]a[/i]" - "[i]an[/i]" differentiation?! :D What
if I am to say that... I am "[i]a professiona
SilviuM Aug 14, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice To what degree should a translator be true to the source? A everlasting dilemma... Bluestar, you should remain true to the source up
to the point when syntagms and jargon expressions
come into play. And, of course, you can't alter
person and/or places names nor book, pla
SilviuM Aug 5, 2008
Romanian 'Om' vs... 'Romulan' at every corner :) Nu mai e loc de pus "amprenta"... [quote]Bogdan Burghelea wrote: Este evident că
orice adjectiv din limba română, chiar dacă
face din familia de cuvinte al denumirii unui
popor, sau, a unei rase extraterestre, se va
SilviuM Aug 4, 2008
Romanian 'Om' vs... 'Romulan' at every corner :) Hardy Harr-Harr... x-( Ei bine, acest topic fuse publicat la
"Subtitling", apoi mutat aici. Deci, a fost logic
sa-l public prima oara-n engleza. :D In orice caz,
in limba TERESTRA ar fi acceptabil acel raspuns.<
SilviuM Aug 2, 2008
Romanian Cum se poate traduce atât de aberant din engleză? Goa'ulzii... Vai de capu' lor! :))) Au devenit "Excelente"! Cine prinde AXN Sci-Fi,
stie SI cunoaste. :P De curand, Stapanul
Sistemului goa'uld, Apophis, a devenit SI
Excelenta. :D Ce-o urma? Premier?! :D Cat despre
SilviuM Aug 1, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Faithfulness or readability? Over-simplicity to absurd? [quote]sviaggio wrote: As any other result of
human endeavour, a translation is as good as its
usefulness. There are no good or bad translations
in the abstract - it all depends, not on
SilviuM Aug 1, 2008
Money matters Do you know any translation agencies that work for free? John Lennon HADN'T died! Yes, I COULD! if I were a John Lennon-type of
person... ;)
SilviuM Jul 31, 2008
Artificial languages Universal Language for the Human Race. Good intents and odd results... [quote]Krys Williams wrote: Esperanto does not
seek to become the only language, but to be a
universal second language, so that communication
between speakers of different languages is
SilviuM Jul 30, 2008
Artificial languages Universal Language for the Human Race. Bad idea for uniformity Of course, no intent in making you feel
out-of-touch with human nature, dear Prozians,
but... do you realize what you're proposing?! :)
Uniformity! Pure and simple! Should we give any
SilviuM Jul 30, 2008 suggestions African scam on Typos and errors [quote]MARIA GUSTAFSON wrote: Good
Afternoon, I writing this short and brief mail
to you because i have a job that i will like your
assistance.You have to translate Spanish languag
SilviuM Jul 30, 2008
Romanian 'Om' vs... 'Romulan' at every corner :) Yes, this title may 'sound' a bit ODD to you,
but... I always had trouble with differentiating
(in Romanian, i.e.) 'om' from 'Om', 'klingonian'
from 'Klingonian' or 'romulan' from 'Romulan
SilviuM Jul 29, 2008

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