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Romanian to English Religion Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
mă nevoiesc to strive/ to struggle/to crusade
Mă simt vinovată atât sufletește, cât și trupește I feel guilty both in body and mind
minei Menaion
mirungere Chrismation
molitvelnic Euchologion
motive precreștine Pre-Christian Motifs
Entered by: Claudia Coja
mult curatul Trup si prea scumpul Sange the unblemished body and precious blood
Multumiti fiind noi Let us (...) give thanks/thank you
n-ai nevoie să mergi cale lungă you don't have to travel far
naş (la căsătorie) godfather
Entered by: nelly matthews
nava dreptunghiulară tăvănită rectangular nave covered with a ceiling
nimeni nu-și mai propune astfel de lucruri no one sets such goals for oneself/pursues such goals
Entered by: Simona Pop
notareş notary
o fată care s-a născut în Biserică a girl (who was) brought up in the church / going to church
Entered by: Lara Barnett
o femeie curată trupeste și sufletește pure in body and soul
obştea community
obiect de cult cultdom/ ritualistic objects
Orologier Horologion or Book of Hours
ostenitor working monk/ brother
pacate strigatoare la cer sins that cry to Heaven
paos holy water (sprinkled on the reposed)
PARAMYTHIA the comforter
Pastele Blajinilor The Easter of the Blajin (Gentle/Kind-hearted Ones\")
pastoraţie pastoral care
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
patima passion
păcate strigătoare la cer Sins that cry (out) to heaven
Entered by: Simona Pop
pe acesta smereste God humbles/brings down
pe lângă dulceața de câteva secunde a momentului as well as the(that) sweetness of a few seconds in time
Entered by: Lara Barnett
pericopa evanghelică a bogatului căruia i-a rodit țarina The Parable of The Rich Fool
personal de cult cu studii medii church worker with secondary/high school education
plaştaniţă Epitaphios/Epitaphion
pocait de sambata seventh-day adventist
poliptic marianic Marian polyptych
porţiune canonică church parcel; portion/ lot/ plot of land/portio canonica
postul Sfintei Marii Mari the Dormition Fast
Entered by: Claudia Coja
Pravila nomocanon/(the) Pravila
Prea Sfintia Sa the Right Reverend [abbr.: Rt. Revd.]
preaînăţându-l exalting Him
Preainalt Most high
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