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Dec 17, 2009 11:58
14 yrs ago
Dutch term


Dutch to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Begeleidingskunde
Context: "De focus van het onderzoek is gelegd op een groep professionals die in de vorm van een zogenaamde Best Practice Unit of, anders gezegd, leerontwikkelwerkplaats met deze onderzoeksvraag aan de slag gingen."
Proposed translations (English)
3 development workshop


Oliver Pekelharing Dec 20, 2009:
Also agree with Chris You might want to add more explanation of what a "best practice unit" actually does.
Bryan Crumpler Dec 17, 2009:
agree with hopley This was my first instinct reading through the text. It doesn't appear to be something separate as opposed to clarification for the Dutch reader.
Chris Hopley Dec 17, 2009:
leave it out? There is an argument for leaving it out here, as it ostensibly only serves to clarify the meaning of 'best practice unit' for the Dutch reader. In the English text, 'best practice unit' would stand perfectly well on its own without any further clarification being required.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

development workshop

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