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Jun 17, 2011 00:21
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

six hollow points

English to Arabic Tech/Engineering Other weapons
Dear all,

What is "six hollow points" in Arabic. In the context in hand, actually referring to a gun مسدس So we r not talking about رصاص here (he gifted his wife a six hollow points مسدس.... ما
I knew that it has a kind of "expanding bullets" and all that. I just dont' know how can we say it in Arabic. and what does the number "6" refer to here.

Thanks a lot.


Mohsin Alabdali Jun 22, 2011:
متشظي تعني متحول إلى شظايا أي أجزاء صغيرة ويبدو لي أن حصول ذلك مرهون بوجود تجويف يسمح بالتشظي والله أعلم
Hassan Lotfy Jun 21, 2011:
عند الإصطدام بالهدف هذا النوع من الطلقات يتمدد إلى الخارج (كالوردة) ولا يتشظى
maiabulela (asker) Jun 21, 2011:
What is the meaning of متشظي in Arabic? Does it have anything to do with مجوف may be a result or sth?
Hassan Lotfy Jun 17, 2011:
Thank you now it is clear, he got her ammo or at least mocking at the idea, and she is telling him she got the 'piece' that fits those bullets or she is carrying on with his mocking gesture.(the rest of the story should clarify whether they are just fantasizing about the idea or they actually got the objects.'
maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
"Man: Happy anniversary.
Wife: (chuckles) Some guys bring flowers.
Man: A dozen roses ain't got nothing on six hollow points.
Wife: You know I already got a piece. "!
Hassan Lotfy Jun 17, 2011:
also it would be helpful to know whether they were both criminals like Bonnie and Clyde
Hassan Lotfy Jun 17, 2011:
I am missing a point here why u keep translating مسدس in the middle of English text, why dont you copy and paste the entire English sentence? maybe we can spot something that you overlooked
TargamaT team Jun 17, 2011:
ربما إذا كان سياقك يوحي بشيء آخر ولكن أخذت الجانب الجنائي

maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
Yes, to protect herself!!! Thanks anyway.
TargamaT team Jun 17, 2011:
يا أستاذة مي هل يوجد رجل في العالم يهدي زوجته مثل هذه الهدية !ـ

أهداها هنا بمعنى أطلق عليها الرصاص
maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
He gifted her the مسدس to protect herself!! He hasn't shot her, unless you want him to shoot her, that's another story :D
TargamaT team Jun 17, 2011:
he gifted his wife a six hollow points أفرغ مخزن المسدس (6 رصاصات متشظية) في زوجته
maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
He is talking about a pistol in his hand. Phrasing is difficult.
TargamaT team Jun 17, 2011:
طلقة متشظية وإن كنت أعتقد أن المعنى في سياقك كان مجازيًا
maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
Hollow point is some kind of bullet.

What is that in Arabic?
Hassan Lotfy Jun 17, 2011:
I mean more exact text from the source .. like 4 or 5 lines
maiabulela (asker) Jun 17, 2011:
context about what? it's a revolver. it's on the screen! what do you mean?
Hassan Lotfy Jun 17, 2011:
more context is required it could be a totally different something

Proposed translations

7 hrs

أفرغ المخزن

أعتقد أنه أفرغ مخزن المسدس فيها، المخزن يحتوي على 6 رصاصات
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11 hrs

ست رصاصات متشظية

أهداها = أطلق عليها
Note from asker:
may be in another context! !!!!!!
متشظية here means مجوفة الطرف ? That's What I got according to this link: Thanks a lot.
What is the meaning of متشظي in Arabic? Does it have anything to do with مجوف may be a result or sth?
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13 hrs

ست رصاصات ذات طرف مجوف

ست رصاصات ذات طرف مجوف
A hollow point is an expanding bullet that has a pit or hollowed out shape in its tip, generally intended to cause the bullet to expand upon entering a target in order to decrease penetration and disrupt more tissue as it travels through the target.
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12 hrs

ستة رصاصات ذات رأس مفرغ


Note added at 4 days (2011-06-21 12:37:41 GMT)

أو مسدس به ستة طلقات مجوفة الرأس

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