Jan 13, 2010 14:19
14 yrs ago
English term

coming-of-age story

GBK English to Bosnian Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Definition from VirtualSalt - Robert Harris:
A type of novel where the protagonist is initiated into adulthood through knowledge, experience, or both, often by a process of disillusionment. Understanding comes after the dropping of preconceptions, a destruction of a false sense of security, or in some way the loss of innocence. Some of the shifts that take place are these: * ignorance to knowledge * innocence to experience * false view of world to correct view * idealism to realism * immature responses to mature responses Examples: * Jane Austen Northanger Abbey * Charles Dickens, Great Expectations * Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
Example sentences:
Everything about Scherfig’s coming-of-age story about a girl in the London suburb of Twickenham in 1961 is spot-on. (Austin Chronicle Corp.)
But this comedy about a Texas high schooler (Ellen Page) who reinvents herself as “Babe Ruthless” and becomes the star of an Austin league is a surprisingly credible coming-of-age story. (Creative Loafing Media)
Ostensibly a coming-of-age story, this languorous, beautifully shot feature debut from Minh Nguyen-Vo, a writer and director, centers on a teenager whose journey from innocence to knowledge is also a twinned meditation on both the natural and very unnatural state of things. (The New York Times Company)
Change log

Jan 13, 2010 14:05: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jan 13, 2010 14:19: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jan 16, 2010 15:00: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"


Darko Kolega Jan 13, 2010:
www.os-knezmislav-kastelsucurac.skole.hr/print/?pr Ovo je roman o odrastanju, prvim ljubavima, jadima i neprilikama koje ljubav ponekad izaziva.
Darko Kolega Jan 13, 2010:
roman odrastanja Velika očekivanja jedan je od najčitanijih i čitateljima najdražih romana C. Dickensa (1812 ? 1870), kojega smatraju najistaknutijim engleskim pripovjedačem 19. st., odnosno epohe realizma. To je jedno od njegovih posljednjih djela. Riječ je o romanu odgoja ili odrastanja. To je životna priča dječaka rođenog u provinciji, u skromnim prilikama, koji doživljava karijeru u velikom gradu, što mu donosi i zadovoljstva i razočaranja
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