Jun 28, 2011 19:30
13 yrs ago
English term

RF Exposure Notice

English to Czech Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng
This is a title of an icon on electric equipment with the following explanation: "Used to identify a device that emits radio frequency energy. Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard." But more than the term itself I would really appreciate if somebody could tell me if there is a Czech list of all the electric symbols on the web. Many thanks


Radka Crossley (asker) Jun 29, 2011:
This is it!! This is exactly what I've been looking for, my hard work has paid off... I can't open pdfs from my server so have to save them first, hopefully this link works. www.konzument.cz/publikace…spotrebitele/Graficke_znacky… If not, look for untitled document on http://search.seznam.cz/?q=grafické značky na předmětech&sId...

Radka Crossley (asker) Jun 29, 2011:
found something Thank you again Jirka. I did manage to find a few of my symbols on here http://bezpecnostni-znaceni.bezpecnostni-tabulky.cz/vystrazn...[]=setOffset&offset=180 , perhaps you may find it useful. It is obvious from here that the terminology can vary, and that's what I needed to know really. I don't mind the hard graft, just didn't want to start reinventing established terms. But as there's not any danger of that, I am happy. Thank you
Jirka Bolech Jun 29, 2011:
names of symbols Well, I don't think you can expect finding a compact list of such terms. I myself don't know of any similar glossaries. Some of such terms will not have strictly one version but I would use a good dictionary in the first place and/or try to check each one on the web if I were you. This is VERY time-consuming and may not be in harmony with what you'll be paid...
Radka Crossley (asker) Jun 28, 2011:
No, sorry, I'm not making it easy am I? RF Exposure notice is not on there but some of my symbols are, and I was hoping to find something like that in Czech. I have terms such as Noiseless (clean) earth (ground), Protective earth (ground), Signal strength attenuation (local/distant), Radiation of laser apparatus, Non-short-circuit-proof transformer, and lots more. Some translations are self-evident and some I know but don't know whether to look for standardised terminology or translate it as I see fit. Thank you so much
Jirka Bolech Jun 28, 2011:
names of symbols I see no relation of your web search listing to "RF Exposure Notice". Neither do I know what other symbols there are in your document. Can you find some or all of the names of the symbols in one place on the web in English?
Radka Crossley (asker) Jun 28, 2011:
it would make my life much easier if they weren't. What I found is this, even if I used Czech google, this came up http://www.google.co.uk/search?um=1&hl=en&rlz=1R2GPMG_enGB36...
Jirka Bolech Jun 28, 2011:
names of symbols I actually doubt such symbols are standardized if "RF Exposure Notice" is one of them. Can you find such a listing in English?
Radka Crossley (asker) Jun 28, 2011:
names of symbols Thanks, Jirka. What I mean is, in the document I have, there are 3 pages of symbols and all have their names and explanations next to them. I am sure the names of these symbols are standardised both in English and Czech, and that's what I am hoping to find

Proposed translations

1 hr

upozornění na vyzařovanou VF energii

VF = vysokofrekvenční

I don't know what you mean by "all the electric symbols", Radka. Most, if not all, symbols are not in a language; they're graphic elements...
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