English term
Splitup of Telligentâ engine system
The control of the engine, the engine management system, is split over two subsystems each with its own control unit. The control unit of the subsystem Drive Control (FR) is attached to the vehicle and the control unit of the subsystem Engine Control (MR) is attached to the engine.
The FR control unit contains, among other things, vehicle-relevant data, determines the operating conditions of the vehicle and receives the input from the driver.
This can involve, for example, operating the accelerator pedal, the service or engine brake, the clutch and the power take-off control. The FR control unit determines the engine torque which is required for this and transmits it as an engine specified torque to the MR.
All the engine-specific data are stored in the control unit of the MR.
The operating conditions at the engine are determined by various senders and sensors. These conditions are analyzed and the fuel injection controlled in line with the FR request (engine specified torque), taking into account the maps stored in the control unit.
Communication between FR and MR makes use of an LS CAN bus, while a HS CAN bus is used for the communication between FR and other electronic systems in the vehicle.
0 +1 | Pembagian Sistem Mesin Telligentâ | Sugeng Hariyanto |
0 | Pembagian Sistem Enjin Telligentâ | Happy |
Nov 14, 2006 05:44: ErichEko ⟹⭐ changed "Language pair" from "Indonesian to English" to "English to Indonesian"
Nov 14, 2006 05:47: ErichEko ⟹⭐ changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Mechanics / Mech Engineering"
PRO (1): ErichEko ⟹⭐
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Proposed translations
Pembagian Sistem Mesin Telligentâ
Pembagian Sistem Enjin Telligentâ
Kontrol Mesin, sistem pengaturan mesin terbagi menjadi 2 subsistem, dimana tiap-tiap subsistem mempunyai unit pengontrol sendiri-sendiri.
Unit kontrol dari subsistem Drive Control(FR) dipasang pada kendaraan dan kontrol unit dari subsistem Engine Control (MR)dipasanag pada mesin.
(If you need me to translate all of the part you can contact me at [email protected] . For your information I am a freelance translator and also master degree engineer in mechanical engineering)
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