Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term
cut stones
She enjoyed new sources of creativity, playing more than ever with materials and symbols to design handcrafted pieces from precious woods, resin, cut stones and studs in stunning colours, paying extreme attention to detail and quality
4 | gemme | Angie Garbarino |
3 | pietre tagliate | dandamesh |
Mar 31, 2010 19:52: Angie Garbarino changed "Field (specific)" from "Textiles / Clothing / Fashion" to "Mining & Minerals / Gems"
PRO (1): luskie
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Proposed translations
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-03-31 19:57:17 GMT)
cioè le cut stones sono le pietre tagliate ma il termine più appropriato per il tuo contesto secondo me è gemme. Ti cerco qualche link adatto
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-03-31 20:37:37 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- Esistono numerosi tipi di taglio e, particolarmente per i diamanti, ne vengono tutt'ora creati di nuovi. A seconda delle caratteristiche della pietra si sceglie un taglio che ne esalti determinate qualità, che possono essere il colore o la dispersione cromatica.
Con il passare del tempo, i tipi di taglio sono stati perfezionati aumentando il numero di faccette e la precisione del taglio in modo da esaltare maggiormente la brillantezza della pietra
pietre tagliate
The HTSUS provisions which refer to “cut” stones are as follows:
7103 Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport:
1. Musei Scientifici a Firenze
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ed altre “pietre tagliate”. From the Uffizi to the. Museum of Natural History ... fluorite; and statuettes in jade and other “cut stones”. ...
1. Zirconia cubico, pietre tagliate, pietra allentata, cristallo ...
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15 Sep 2008 ... CN manufacturer of Zirconia cubico, pietre tagliate, pietra allentata, cristallo. ... sell Cubic Zirconia,Cut Stones,Loose stone ,Crystal ...,+pietre+tagliate,+pietra+allentata,+cristallo.html - Copia cache
Note added at 33 mins (2010-03-31 16:18:20 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- ...
Note added at 35 mins (2010-03-31 16:20:37 GMT)
avevo scordato questo
Note added at 48 mins (2010-03-31 16:33:41 GMT)
Common cuts include the brilliant cut, old European cut, emerald cut, radiant cut, rose cut, step cut, pendelique cut. Mixed cuts in which the style of the facets above and below the girdle are different. Other, more unusual cuts, are know as fantasy cuts (like the heart cut).
neutral |
Angie Garbarino
: i link sono tutti in inglese mentre si richiede una resa in italiano
4 hrs
due link sono bilingue
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