Mar 13, 2010 10:54
14 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Norwegian Tech/Engineering Nuclear Eng/Sci
Definition from European Nuclear Society:
Radioactive material which falls back to the earth after the release into the atmosphere (e.g. by nuclear weapon tests, accidents). The fallout occurs in two forms: the close fallout consists of heavy particles which fall to the ground within some days near the place of release and in an area which, depending on the weather conditions, may reach up to several hundred kilometres in the wind direction. The world-wide fallout consists of lighter particles reaching higher atmospheric layers and distributed over a wide part of the earth because of atmospheric currents.
Example sentences:
Fallout creates large areas of contamination and the ionizing radiation coming off the fallout, which can damage tissues and penetrate through thin walls and glass (US Department of Health & Human Services)
The chemical properties of the different elements in the fallout will control the rate at which they are deposited on the ground. The less volatile elements will deposit first. (Wikipedia)
Weather conditions can affect fallout immensely. Particularly rainfall can "rain out" fallout to create very intense localized concentrations. (University of Michigan)
Proposed translations (Norwegian)
5 nedfall
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Mar 12, 2010 13:52: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 13, 2010 10:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 16, 2010 10:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 12, 2010 11:54:

Proposed translations

10 days


Definition from Wikipedia:
Radioaktivt nedfall er fenomenet at radioaktivt støv som dannes ved en kjernefysisk eksplosjon kan føres langt fra eksplosjonen og senere gjøre stor skade der det faller ned på bakken. I en kjernevåpenkrig ville sannsynligvis nedfallet utgjøra en større trussel mot befolkningen enn selve eksplosjonene.
Example sentences:
Norge var det landet utenom det gamle Sovjetunionen som mottok mest radioaktivt nedfall etter ulykken. (Wikipedia)
Det var særlig tre kommuner i Midt-Norge og Gavleborg län i Sverige som fikk mye radioaktivt nedfall. (Forskningsrådet)
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