Nov 16, 2003 12:17
21 yrs ago
English term

winging poms

English to Polish Art/Literary
And so… humour is nearly always the best lubricant if you like. I have worked on American film sets where there isn’t much of the kind of banter that we British are very good at and indeed Australians. The director was Australian… and I was obviously British then as I still am, and… Everyone else was American. And it was, it absolutely fascinated me because… for all Australians call us you know winging poms and so on, you realise how much more we have in common with Australians that we do with Americans…
Proposed translations (Polish)
4 +2 whinging POMs
4 +1 biadolący / marudni Angole

Discussion Nov 16, 2003:
dzi�ki, bartku, za rozpracowanie tego 'winging' ;) chyba czas na drug� kaw�... Nov 16, 2003:
wHinging, oczywi�cie

Proposed translations

10 mins

whinging POMs

właśnie kilka dni temu rozmawiałem o tym z moim kierownikiem projektu...

powinno być whinging POMs

POM - Prince of Modern England - tak nazywają Anglików Australijczycy.

whinging POM - jęczący angol, (wiecznie) narzekający angol

Note added at 2003-11-17 14:30:36 (GMT)

I stand corrected - Prisoner of Mother England (lub of Her Majesty) - zapewne miałem woskowinę w uszach
Peer comment(s):

agree KirstyMacC (X) : POM = Prisoner of Mother England> GB convicts 'transported' to Australia - and on to Tasmania for re-offfending - up to 150 years ago. 'Pommie Bastards' is a common, but less flattering tag.
8 hrs
should be neutral!
agree Ensor
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Drobna różnica, prince a prisoner. ;) Bardzo dziękuję Wam obojgu."
10 mins

biadolący / marudni Angole

About time the English started to give ourselves some credit and stop winging. Winging Poms and Tall Poppies come to mind.;)

Winging = whingeing (Oxford)
Poms - Angole
Peer comment(s):

agree Ensor
12 hrs
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