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Jan 18, 2010 12:19
14 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

(talent) pivot points

English to Polish Bus/Financial Human Resources
rational talent strategy = competitive advantage, talent pivot points

The pivot-point is where differences in performance most affect success. Identifying pivot-points often requires digging deeply into organization- or unit-level strategies to unearth specific details about how and where the organization plans to compete, and about the supporting elements that will be most vital to achieving that competitive position. These insights identify the areas of organization and talent that make the biggest difference in the strategy's success.

inne podobne "urywki"
A talent pivot point for the guest-experience process is..
a pivotal role
pivotal versus important
important, but not necessarily pivotal
pivotal differences in strategy
strategy pivot-points that illuminate the talent and organization pivot-points


EwciaHo (asker) Jan 18, 2010:
może i byłoby to dobre... in a Disney Theme Park Mickey Mouse is important, but sweepers are pivotal :)
Katarzyna Mroczyńska Jan 18, 2010:
może pójść w kierunku, że pivot(al) to decydujący?

Proposed translations

1 hr

punkty kluczowe

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2 days 23 hrs

kwestie/punkty decydujące

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