This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Sep 15, 2011 09:18
13 yrs ago
English term
simultaneous equation bias
English to Polish
The main advantage of such a
structure is that it allows the investigation of both direct
and indirect effects of various factors on consumption. It
is likely that in practice there is some simultaneity in the
relationships described. For example, previous experience
with a product plays a role in shaping attitudes, as
well as providing consumers with information. In common
with other studies in the marketing literature, we
are unable to estimate a relationship that incorporates
such feedbacks. However, it must be acknowledged that
some simultaneous equation bias may result.
podobno: błąd współczesności/jednoczesności
structure is that it allows the investigation of both direct
and indirect effects of various factors on consumption. It
is likely that in practice there is some simultaneity in the
relationships described. For example, previous experience
with a product plays a role in shaping attitudes, as
well as providing consumers with information. In common
with other studies in the marketing literature, we
are unable to estimate a relationship that incorporates
such feedbacks. However, it must be acknowledged that
some simultaneous equation bias may result.
podobno: błąd współczesności/jednoczesności
(podgląd artykułu w Internecie, rok 1996)
the dependent variables in the earlier equations
"equation" to często po prostu równanie w moim tekście (długie, skomplikowane, z wieloma, np. siedmioma zmiennymi)