Feb 22, 2013 15:17
11 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

to my Trustees UPON TRUST

English to Romanian Law/Patents Law (general) Drept testamentar
Expresie dintr-un testament
Change log

Feb 22, 2013 16:15: Draga Crisan changed "Language pair" from "Romanian to English" to "English to Romanian"


Nicolae Buzoianu Feb 22, 2013:
Fiind vorba despre un testament, mă gândesc la "executori testamentari"

Proposed translations

1 hr

mandatarilor/administratorilor mei pe încredere

trustee- mandatari
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristiana Sima : de acord, cu mentiunea ca as folosi varianta "mandatarilor mei cu incredere...", dar iarasi, depinde foarte mult de context si de continuarea frazei (care nu ne-a fost oferita)
42 mins
așa e, thx
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Reference comments

3 hrs

traducere in IATE

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