English term
deal in carte blanche
Aiming at its task of reviving the national hotel brands, (company name) mainly *deals in carte blanche*, advisory consultant, franchising operation, contracting & leasing services, property administration and etc. in the principle of
practicable, effective, scientific and rigorous operation and management concept.
Буду всем благодарна за помощь.
4 +1 | действовать по собственному усмотрению, с неограниченными полномочиями | Ol_Besh |
1 | кредитная карта Carte Blanche? | Igor Boyko |
PRO (2): Ol_Besh, Andrei Yefimov
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
действовать по собственному усмотрению, с неограниченными полномочиями
В русском языке чаще всего говорят «дать карт-бланш», что значит «разрешить действовать по собственному усмотрению; обеспечить неограниченные полномочия, ...
www.genon.ru/GetAnswer.aspx?qid=4901164c... - Im Cache - Ähnliche
кредитная карта Carte Blanche?
Carte Blanche
Carte Blanche originated as a Travel & Entertainment (T&E) card owned by Hilton Hotels, and competed with both American Express and Diners Club. The company changed ownership after being sold by Hilton, with Citibank owning the company for a brief period during the 1960s, and finally repurchasing it in 1979, and phasing the card out of service in the late 1980s. Throughout most of the 1960s and 1970s, the Carte Blanche card was considered to be a more prestigious worldwide travel and entertainment than American Express or Diners Club, though its small cardmember base hindered its success. Carte Blanche also was the first to implement a 'Gold Card' program,[citation needed] but initially only as a means to recognize cardholders who were frequent users and paid their bills on time. In 2000, the Carte Blanche name was revived in the United States when Diners Club, which was also acquired by Citibank in 1981, introduced an upscale version of its card: the Diners Club Carte Blanche Card. It is an upper-level charge card on par with the American Express Platinum card. The card carries a US$300 annual fee and offers an extensive menu of perks geared toward spendthrifty travelers. It is accepted wherever regular Diners Club cards are accepted. Although Diners Club requires payment in full within 30 days, corporate accounts can pay within 60 days without penalty.
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