Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Loan facility
Serbian translation:
kredit/kreditna linija
English term
Loan facility
Facility | Marina Pjevalica |
Proposed translations
kredit/kreditna linija
facility - something designed and created to serve a particular function and to afford a particular convenience or service; "catering facilities"; "toilet facilities"; "educational facilities"
a service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you; "a cell phone with internet facility"
strane sklapaju ugovor o kreditu/kreditnoj liniji koja će korisniku kredita "olakšati" (facilitate) poslovanje, a banka mu daje kredit kao facility u smislu "service"....
agree |
Marina Pjevalica
13 mins
Hvala, Marina!
agree |
Natasa Djurovic
2 hrs
Hvala Vam!
ugovor o kreditiranju gradnje objekta
agree |
: po mom mišljenju ugovor o kreditiranju je prihvatljiv, no ne znamo financira li se baš izgradnja objekta pa bih osobno to izostavila
1 hr
кредитна олакшица
Note added at 16 mins (2010-03-26 15:31:17 GMT)
...Ugovoru o kreditnoj olakšici između Inter INE (Guernsey) Ltd i Inter INE Ltd (Zajmoprimac), INA (Garant) i BNP Paribas (dostavljen samo nacrt)
agree |
Marina Pjevalica
: ili pogodnost
9 mins
agree |
Vuk Vujosevic
59 mins
agree |
M. Vučković
: Categorising loan agreements by type of facility, usually results in two primary categories:term loans, which are repaid in set instalments over the term, or revolving loans (or overdrafts) where up to a maximum amount can be withdrawn at any time - Wkpd.
5 hrs
kreditni aranžman
agree |
10 mins
agree |
Natasa Djurovic
2 hrs
agree |
Emina Dedic
2 hrs
agree |
Cedomir Pusica
1 day 1 hr
agree |
Goran Tasic
1 day 2 hrs
agree |
Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
2 days 7 hrs
agree |
Aleksandar Skobic
5 days
ugovor o kreditnoj liniji
Evo i nekoliko primjera:
Intesa Sanpaolo Banka BiH i Evropska Investiciona Banka (EIB) potpisali ugovor o kreditnoj liniji u iznosu od 50 miliona eura, namijenjenoj za finansiranje malih i srednjih preduzeća (SME) i javnog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Načelnik Općine Koška Zoran Kovačević i predsjednik Uprave Slavonske banke d.d.Osijek Ivan Mihaljević, u 10 će sati u prostorijama spomenute Općine potpisati Ugovor o kreditnoj liniji za kreditiranje poljoprivredne proizvodnje.
Član 2.
Ovi Opšti uslovi poslovanja, dopunjeni su Prilozima Opštih uslova poslovanja, koji čine njihov sastavni deo, a koji sadrže minimum uslova pod kojima Banka prima depozite, odobrava KREDITE, otvara, vodi i gasi račune, izdaje i daje na korišćenje platne kartice (debitne i kreditne) Klijentima.
Article 2
The present document, GTC, is supplemented by the Appendices of the General Terms and Conditions, which are considered as an integral part of them and contain the minimum of the conditions, under which the Bank receives deposits, approves CREDIT FACILITIES, opens, maintains and closes the accounts, issues and approves usage of payment cards (debit and credit) to the Clients.
Iz istog izvora još jedno rešenje za facility = plasman Credit FACILITY - Kreditni PLASMAN
A zanimljivo rešenje je i ovo: SREDSTVA brzog djelovanja (Quick Impact FACILITY)
A loan agreement is a contract entered into between which regulates the terms of a loan. Loan agreements usually relate to loans of cash, but market specific contracts are also used to regulate securities lending.
Loan agreements are usually in written form, but there is no legal reason why a loan agreement cannot be a purely oral contract (although in some countries this may be limited by the Statute of frauds or equivalent legislation).
Loan agreements are usually characterised either of two different ways: by the type of lender, or by the type of facility.
Categorising loan agreements by lender usually simply sub-divides loans into:
* bilateral loans
* syndicated loans
Categorising loan agreements by type of facility, usually results in two primary categories:
* term loans, which are repaid in set instalments over the term, or
* revolving loans (or overdrafts) where up to a maximum amount can be withdrawn at any time, and interest is paid from month to month on the drawn amount.
Within these two categories though, there are various subdivisions such as interest-only loans, and balloon payment loans. It is