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Mar 3, 2011 12:35
13 yrs ago
English term

spray board

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Impermeabilizacion
Application of Tse8t98 membrane may proceed while the air and substrate temperatures are between +10C and +30C provided the substrate is above the dew point. This can be calculated using the Dew Point Table.
The finished coating system must be uniform in colour, texture and appearance. No element of the system shall be feather edged. All spraying must be terminated at a taped edge or spray board ensuring the correct thickness is applied.
If there is a risk of contamination from other trades during the course of the works adequate protection to prevent this should be provided.


nahuelhuapi Mar 3, 2011:
Aparentemente es una placa o panel (tal vez con algún poliuretano) por sistema spray o aerosol
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