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Aug 24, 2010 11:12
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Managed Temporary Transitional Duty

English to Spanish Medical Insurance Work related injuries
This is a work-injury benefit summary. The term appears in the following context. I am not sure as to how to translated the "Managed Temporary" part of the term. We usually get "Transitional Duty", and we translate it as "tareas transitorias".
Thanks in advance!

We will look forward to welcoming you back as soon as the treating physician issues a medical release saying you are able to return to full or Managed Temporary Transitional Duty or “MTTD”.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

tarea transitoria temporaria supervisada

In that case, why don't you say something like:

tarea transitoria temporaria supervisada
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2 days 17 hrs

Tarea transitoria supervisada temporalmente

la definición de managed del diccionario es:
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: governed
Synonyms: commanded, compelled, controlled, directed, dominated, mastered, ordered, piloted, regulated, ruled, run, supervised, swayed
Antonyms: free, ungoverned, unsupervised

Por tal razón creo que se refiere más a supervisión o dirección.
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