Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
check me out
Spanish translation:
(se han) fijado en mi
English term
check me out
Mar 9, 2013 06:25: Lydia De Jorge changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1154741">Maria Andrade's</a> old entry - "check me out"" to ""(se han) fijado en mi""
Proposed translations
(se han) fijado en mi
agree |
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
52 mins
Saludos, Bea!
agree |
Analí López
3 hrs
agree |
6 hrs
Gracias, Jose!
agree |
Christine Walsh
: La más adaptable a la mayoría de los contextos.
7 hrs
mirar mi perfil
agree |
Cándida Artime Peñeñori
: Yo intuyo lo mismo.
4 hrs
Gracias Candi - el problema es que sólo podemos intuir ;-)
prestarme atención
tirar los tejos
me miraron con interés
Less than a year ago I started dressing kinda nicer (not really preppy though) and just did things to take care of my looks better. I kind of changed my attitude in a way that I thought girls would like. Well, it worked because lots of hot girls check me out all the time, but now guys do too...
And well a lot of boys have checked me out. But I've noticed he would look at me as if he wants to make conversation or something...
...and whenever I wear shorts/skirts he's always checking me out and its soo awkard...
Unas chicas lo miraron con interés y sonrieron tontamente, él sólo las observó en silencio.ólo-baila-así-funciona...
agree |
Christine Walsh
: De acuerdo con tu razonamiento
7 hrs
Muchas gracias Christine
me han puesto atención
En la calle las mujeres me han puesto atención con mi nuevo corte de pelo.