Jan 10, 2010 02:24
14 yrs ago
English term

drama by night

English Tech/Engineering Architecture
For passers-by, the striking suspended glass wall of the atrium provides transparency by day, and drama by night.
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Non-PRO (1): B D Finch

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46 mins

a dramatic visual feature at night...

Designed by Dutch architects UNstudio structure will boast three luxury ... spare no expense: the spa suite will feature night-blue glass mosaic tile walls, ... The envelope of metal bands creates a dramatic visual impression of the ...

Mostrar mapa de 5 Franklin Pl, Manhattan, New York, NY 10013, USA

www.designbuild-network.com/.../five-franklin-place/ - En caché - Similares
SoulfulLiving.com - A Feature Article on Architecture - Healing ... - [ Traducir esta página ]Healing Silence: The Architecture of Peace, by Christopher Day, trained as an ... Dramatic or dynamic forms and gestures have an excess of force. ... the sculptural forces - of gesture, of gravity, of structural and visual tension. ... When we come home from a stressful day, the home and the night are for renewal. ...
www.soulfulliving.com/healingarchitecture.htm - En caché - Similares
Lighting the way - Fabric Architecture - [ Traducir esta página ]Seattle's performance center, McCaw Hall, shimmers at night from the ... Interactive Features. Continuing Education Test .... more dramatic concept — projecting swaths of light onto the scrims in changing colors like a musical score. ... enhances and creates visual textures and underscores the lyricism of time. ...
fabricarchitecturemag.com/articles/0309_ce_lighting.html - En caché
Peer comment(s):

agree Stephanie Ezrol : sometimes the drama is seeing inside the building at night
6 mins
Thanks & also for your comment, Stephanie! eski
agree John Detre : with Stephanie
1 hr
Thanks for your confirmation & saludos, John :))
agree Yasutomo Kanazawa
2 hrs
Hi Yasumoto; Thanks & Saludos from Acapulco! eski
agree Robert Mavros
4 hrs
Hola "tocayo"; Gracias y muchos saludos. eski
agree Sarah Bessioud
4 hrs
Thank you, Jeux_de_Mots! eski
agree Phong Le
5 hrs
Hi, Phong Le: Muchas gracias! eski
agree Jenni Lukac (X)
7 hrs
Besos y muchasd gracias Jenni! eski
agree Tony M
8 hrs
Thanks for your confirmation, Tony! eski
agree Jim Tucker (X)
10 hrs
Hi Jim; thanks U muchos saludos! eski
agree Rolf Keiser
12 hrs
Muchas gracias y saludos, Goldcoaster! eski
neutral Polangmar : The explanation is too succinct and diffucult to understand for a non-native English speaker - what does "dramatic visual feature" mean exactly?
15 hrs
Thanks for your comment Polangmar. eski
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
6 hrs

dramatic nocturnal insights

The meaning is : transparency by day= the people inside the building have natural sunlight coming in during the day so that they can look out. Drama by night= at night people from outside the building can look in, see lit-up appartments or restaurants or whatever and can imagine something exciting (dramatic) happening. There is a slight hint of voyerism here, at the very least there willl nbe interesting patterns of light contrasting with the night sky outside.
Peer comment(s):

agree Annett Kottek (X) : Agree, although I think it refers only to people outside [‘passers-by’]: transparency in the day, they can see what’s going on inside (a public/democratic institution??) & breathtaking [‘dramatic’] views into building at night.
2 hrs
Yes, you're right about the passers-by, but luckily this doesn't affect my entry
neutral Tony M : I'm really not sure about the use of 'insights' here...
3 hrs
perhaps I 'm being too subtle here...
agree Polangmar : This is a fully undestandable explanation - if it's true, of course.:-)
9 hrs
Thanks, Polangmar !
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

breathtaking theatrical scene

"Drama" here is "theatrical" This showy envoronment is striking both in day time and at night, transparent by day ( full of diffused light) it turns into a play of light and shadow with the coming of dark, that awakens a sense of mistery.
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